Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Found the neatly folded bills underneath the car. I had shifted my flashlight into my (shallow) pocket to rearrange some stuff when I got home last night. Apparently, when I tugged it back out it took the money with it and I booted the ducats under the Zed Three all unnoticed.

Princess to pauper to princess again, all in the space of an hour or two. I could do without this kind of excitement...

Now, what was it I was going to blog about today? I was thrown a bit off my feed there.


  1. That's enough to pop out a couple of gray hairs.

  2. *whew* I HATE when that happens!

  3. Did something very similar with four bills last month. Had the envelope in the inside pocket of my suit; took the jacket off and transfered the envelope to the front pants pocket, then promptly forgot about the transfer.

    Spent several sweaty minutes retracing my steps wondering how the hell I was gonna explain losing four Franklins to Mrs. G. without her thinking I bought another gun.

    I mean, hell, if I'm gonna get in trouble for bringing home new ordnance, I actually want the ordnance, not a hole in my pocket... ;)

    Glad everything worked out fine.

  4. So.... inquiring minds wanna know what tires are going on the rollerskate. Michelin Pilot cup comps??



  5. Nothing like an adrenalin rush to get your attention.

    Glad it ended like it did.

  6. This sort of thing is why I almost always deal in electrons instead of cashy money. If it goes missing, it's either stolen or the bank screwed up instead of me.


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