Friday, September 28, 2007

Another freebie quote.

The state of Michigan, fast approaching the point of bouncing checks, is considering a government shutdown. As always in these situations the obligatory statement was issued containing the wording
[The governor] said non-essential services will stop...
which leads to the inevitable question "Well, if they were non-essential...?"


  1. You mean that business with the 5 supervisors standing around picking noses and scratching asses while watching the 1 person working might have to stop?

    Say it ain't so.

    Oh wait, my mistake, in government work that is an essential service.

  2. You're making Jeff Daniels cry.

  3. If they hadn't wasted the ooodles of cash on those Jeff Daniels PSAs on radio all over the country, and instead spent the money on something Worthwhile..........say Jack instead of Jeff Daniels .....or HERE's an IDEA! Let's make our socialist state more PROFIT friendly and get gubmint out the way and maybe real businesses will come here, as opposed to some actor's pet project......

  4. ...and a good five-cent cigar. YeSmichigan! really needs a lithe&lovely handbuilt 2-seat roadster that'll hold an assload of guns (cough*Reatta*cough) called the "Purple Rose."

    Jack, Jeff, heh. When that Charlie and Jack bumper sticker was popular (haven't seen it since the BAC roadblocks started), I had one that said "My 2 best friends, the Beam brothers: Jim and Joe." Nobody got it.

  5. Classic. Just plain classic.


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