Monday, September 24, 2007

Funny video...

...with a three-star drink spewage alert.


  1. Har, har, har!
    Oh, I forgot, that was last week.

  2. Forgive me for being so 72 hours ago.

  3. That video was funny but really messed up if you think about it... That guy's not from a movie... He was really treated that way.

  4. Yeah, he was really treated that way and he was really askin' for a ass whoopin' with his obnoxious behavior. What a god damned drama queen! That video expresses the comedic imagination that I love about Americans. Right or wrong , you have to laugh at that!

  5. jeez, wow, the guy actually apologized to the police officers after-the-fact, saying to them that he knew they had no choice. This guy was an attention-whore who only wanted to make a scene, and you could tell by the frantic way he prefaced his question that he knew he was in violation of the rules of that forum and that he would be yanked at any second. The kid got what he wanted, and no one's rights were violated. I do pity the police officers who he put through the stress of that situation, and therefore I haven't the least compunction about laughing openly at his histrionics.


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