Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I guess it would have spoiled the surprise...

So the conservative blogosphere was all out of shape over Ahmadinejad being invited to speak at Columbia University. This is because Columbia told everyone they'd invited him to "come speak", and didn't let on that they were actually inviting him to "come get verbally horse-whipped".


  1. BAH!

    If that twit from Columbia really wants to impress people, let him follow that little Hitler wannabe home to Iran and call him names THERE.

    That higher education freak bets his life on the protection an American military offers, the same time he bans ROTC from campus because it's just so 'mean' dontchaknow.

  2. Lee Bollinger, doing the job Mike Wallace didn't have the balls for.

  3. Unfortunately I missed Bollinger's appearance on WNYC this morning, but it's probably on their website.

    He should have just told Ahmadinejad that he'd received special permission from Mayor Mike to take him to Ground Zero. Then shuttled him over to the Holocaust Museum instead. It's only a few scant blocks from the UN anyway.

  4. I was saying this same bit to one of my coworkers.

    I think we need to walk the walk on free speech in instances like this. Afterall, Acnefacejihad is hanging himself, and all we have to do is supply the rope.

    I wasn't holding my breath with regards to Bollinger coming out and saying what he said, and the way he said it, but, good on him, regardless.

  5. I started my car this morning to find the radio set to some idiots talking about this. Their take: he shouldn't have been "so rude" to Ahmadenijad; all he did was make Ahmadenijad "more popular" in Iran.

    My take: being rude to such as Ahmadenijad is just shy of being a moral obligation. And anyone that he is popular with can just go f*** their self -- and that includes the pair on the radio.

  6. Bollinger stroked himself with the invitation and then stroked himself again with his dressing-down, so he got to have it both ways - even though they kill people in Iran who like it both ways like that...


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