Sunday, September 23, 2007

A little Sunday morning game.

It's easy to play; it's kind of like "Where's Waldo?", except it's called "Spot The GOP Candidate". Ready? Go:


  1. hmm...I'm a little perplexed...I, uh...I have to give up. Too tough for me.

  2. I know ! I know !

    waves hands wildly about and jumps around

    Its the one that has the collection of Thompson's !!!!

    I can safely say it isn't that hypocritical damn yankee in front of the microphone though.

  3. I don't want to cause you a stroke or anything, but you do realize the yankee is the front-runner in the GOP primary, right?

    You seem to have inordinate faith in the Republican party.

  4. in other news, HCI was 1M strong?


  5. I am always hoping that the Confederates will field a presidential candidate. That would give us a real choice.

  6. dlinnc, It would certainly give the graduating class of West Point a real choice.

    Just what I need: one more Lost Cause I can back.

    If LBJ, Carter and the Klantons proved nothing else, they showed that the Dems really understood what Hollywood confederates look like. Weren't you left with the notion that we needed Rhett Butler, and ended up with Ashley Wilkes? A civil-I-sation, suh, gone with the wind...

  7. Okay, okay. You might have a point.

  8. I think Tam is sticking the red-hot poker into the flesh of the R-party faithful and giving it a good twist.

    Am I wrong?

  9. Dear lord, is that Chucky in the back?


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