Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More PDB: Asking the wrong question...

Everybody's probably read PDB's post about the convenience store robbery by a pair of ninja grrrls, which he closed by rhetorically asking "You people are carrying your damn guns, right?"

My first thought was "Gun, hell; I'm going to keep a couple of pirate chicks handy to fend off the ninja grrrls."


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who instantly thought, "Too bad there weren't any pirates in the store at the time."

  2. Can't supply pirate chicks... but I do know a few blacksmithing viking babes who are always looking for part time work.

  3. Wouldn't you need at least 6 pirate chicks to fend off 2 ninja chicks? I was under the impression that there was a 10:6:2:1 zombie:pirate:ninja:alien robot ratio.

  4. C'mon, PDB. Everybody knows that the natrual enemies of robots are bears. And I'm pretty sure pirates can take out more zombies than that. Swords and decapitation and all.

    But more importantly, do black-belt snarkists with beyond encyclopedic knowledge of all things that go "Bang" and a pirate-chick entourage do parties? 'Cause that sort of thing would really liven up the annual company christmas bore fest.

  5. You could conceal Anne in one boot and Mary in the other. Them ninji would never see that coming, those scurvy dogs.

  6. Like Ben said,

    Hardy har arggh, matey.


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