Sunday, September 09, 2007

ph33r m3.

As nerdy as I wanna be. says I'm a Cool Nerd Queen.  What are you?  Click here!

I couldn't resist the test. Sorry, Matt.

(H/T to Marko.)


  1. Hey Tam, I finally started and ran the Zephyr today :)

    Too bad I can't actually ride it yet...

  2. Groovus!

    You still need to see the Frommer. :)

  3. What sort of crown does a Nerd Queen wear?

  4. It's bad, tam, but at least it's not as bad as trying to figure out which pop culture series character you are.

  5. Eek. I is a Cool Nerd God.

    Science/Math 94
    Tech/Computer 97
    Sci-Fi/Comic 97
    History/Lit 99
    Dumb/Dork/Awkward 31

    Could be worse, I suppose.

  6. Geeze, I am the nerd.

    Tam you need to code more and get out more. All that history stuff is pulling down the rest of your score. (as I sit here with the vcr taken apart, 3 hard drives in various state of parts swapping, 2 dvd's that need to be reinstalled and a ohm meter just for grins).

  7. I am some sort of Luddite Nerd God, apparently. I scored 46% on tech stuff and in the 96th percentile on literature and sci-fi stuff.

    Klaatu varada nickel!

  8. Science/Math 99%
    Tech/Computer 97%
    Sci-Fi/Comic 51%
    History/Lit 89%
    Dumb/Dork/Awkward 9%

    Uber Cool Nerd God

    I needed a break. (I cannot believe I'm still at work!)

  9. Another Cool Nerd God, Even if Bryanp has me beat by a few percentage points.

    Sci/Math 93%
    Tech/Comp 91%
    Sci-Fi/Comic 93%
    History/Lit 99%
    Dumb/Dork 31%


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