Monday, September 24, 2007

Through the Looking Glass.

In the world of Tony Karon, the Shrub is an evil wizard who can put a hoodoo on the president of France by serving him magic hamburgers and Ahmadinejad is a poor, put-upon innocent who is being thwarted from his plans of building peaceful nuclear power plants in a bid to seek energy independence for his country (despite the fact that it's sitting on a measurable portion of the world's known oil reserves.) I hadn't read any of the big newsweeklies in quite some time, and so was a little taken aback by the tone of an article that sounded like a collaborative (no pun intended) effort between the Daily Worker and Al Jazeera. Had the rest of the magazine gone this wonky? I clicked on another article at random. Yup, it had. Jeez, this was worse than Earth First! Monthly er, National Geographic. The prize, though, was over in the list of "Most Popular" articles, where I saw a link stating simply "Bush to Veto Kids' Health Care". Next thing you know, he'll be sending them to bed without supper. Or maybe eating them.

I wonder what color the sky is in that world?


  1. That website is so socialist that it somehow broke Firefox.

  2. A communist red sky would be my bet.

  3. Is that the same children's health care bill that would raise federal tobacco taxes as follows:

    Tobacco Product
    Current Tax Rates
    Senate Tax Rates

    39¢ per pack
    $1.00 per pack

    Large Cigars
    20.719% of manufacturer’s price; cap of 4.875¢/cigar
    53.13% of manufacturer’s price; cap of $3.00/cigar

    Little Cigars
    4¢ per pack
    $1.00 per pack

    Pipe Tobacco
    $1.0969 per pound
    $2.8126 per pound

    Chewing Tobacco
    19.5¢ per pound
    50¢ per pound

    58.5¢ per pound
    $1.50 per pound

    RYO Tobacco
    $1.0969 per pound
    $8.9286 per pound

    Cigarette Paper
    1.22¢ per 50 papers
    3.13¢ per 50 papers

    Cigarette Tubes
    2.44¢ per 50 tubes
    6.26¢ per 50 tubes


    After all, it's for the children.

  4. If I were in Ahmanutjobs shoes, i.e. leader of a third world circus tent filled with bad tempers and automatic weapons, I'd be building nuke plants as fast as I could pump oil and pay for 'em, so that when my third world psychotic country ran out, they'd have still have a source of electrical power. Unlike us enlightened Americans that would rather buy hydrocarbons than invest in nuke power because we got all of our science education from The China Syndrome.



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