Sunday, October 21, 2007

Blog Stuff: ZZzzzzzz...

I hate snooze buttons. If you have a creative-type mind, all they do is provide you a chance to tell fantastic lies to yourself about why it would be okay to hit the button just one more time.


  1. I like lying to myself every morning.

  2. I don't. I need an obnoxiously loud alarm clock with an OFF switch that's somewhere down the hall, prefably within reach of the coffee fixin's.

  3. Boy, isn't that the truth. Some of my most fantastic dreams are in those nine minutes....

  4. I never use snooze buttons. I find the extra few minutes knowing it will go off again far worse than just getting up.

    Unfortunately, I'm married to someone who doesn't. I don't know if he knows how close he's come to death some of those mornings.

  5. I rarely use an alarm clock but if I must, it has to be parked on the other side of the room. I've hit the snooze button for HOURS on more than one occasion when it was within arms' reach. I'm not exaggerating. My record of sleeping through the alarm screaming on the other side of the room is something like a paltry 45 minutes. Gawd, I hate having to get up before the crack of noon. It's just WRONG.

  6. Isn't that what cats are for? Ours certainly have no snooze button. (OK - if you don't count scritching them right between the ears and a litt back from the forehead).

  7. I tend to kill at least one alarm clock a year. Sometimes two, maybe even three.

    Who knew there's a difference between hitting the snooze button and SMASHING it a la The Hulk???


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