Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Books: It's a William Gibson evening...

So I've been reading Spook Country, the latest from William Gibson, and here it is my normal bedtime and I'm about eighty pages from the end and the plot has, in the best Gibson style, reached terminal velocity and there's zero chance of me going to sleep before the denouement. Guess I'll settle in for the duration.

Book report in the morning.


  1. But isn't that just the best, too, when the excitement has ratcheted up to a fever pitch and you're running for the barn with it?

  2. I know the feeling, but with me I'm usually wrapping things up about 45 minutes before my alarm's supposed to go off.

  3. Been there more times than I care to remember.

    Looking forward to the review.

  4. I'm starting to appreciate the Bigendverse, because,

    Spoiler alert:

    It's awesome.


  5. Ooooh, there's a new Gibson novel! Thank you.

    I'm not gonna touch that sucker until I have a free day to spend on it. Once I open the cover, I won't be doing anything else until I've finished it. You can probably guess how I know this.

  6. okay, we all remember how the famous sixteen megs of hot memory in Neuromancer worked out- but how could Gibson project cheap memory prices? And in the '90s, Gibson admitted he knew nothing about computers...

    So how, in the present age of the intarwebz, can in Pattern Recognition Gibson talk about a render farm as hundreds of artists sitting around painting images pixel by pixel? Its not hard to do research on these things- buy a DVD for any effects-heavy film and look at the special features, or pick up an issue of Cinefex printed since 1996 or so....

    Okay, I still love his work, and how the Bridge Trilogy really didn't acknowledge story continuity til the third book- but ya know, in the age of search engines, research isn't that hard...


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