Friday, October 05, 2007

Boomsticks: Turnabout is fair play...

...or so a federal judge in Atlanta ruled, by allowing a defamation suit by Adventure Outdoors against Mikey Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Guns crowd to proceed.

Hey, Mikey, y'all aren't the only people who can file nuisance suits. Of course, Adventure Outdoors can't just leech money from the public to finance his, like you can, but you know that the Triangle Of Death will probably just rally the People Of The Gun to support Adventure Outdoors...

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just bought a 4" Redhawk from them to show my support! Hopefully won't have to bury it in the backyard when the Hilldabeast is elected.......

  3. Good for them - I'd love to see it turned into a class action lawsuit, and really hurt him.

  4. Jay Wallace, president of Adventure Outdoors Inc., just posted the following comment on WarOnGuns:
    "Please visit for more information on this."

  5. Gee, Tamara, how would we show support to Adventure Outdoors?

    I mean, we could buy guns from Adventure Outdoors, we could buy accessories from Adventure Outdoors, or we could just link to Adventure Outdoors a lot, and mention that they probably have stuff to meet all your camping, fishing, hunting, shooting needs.

    You know, at, uh Adventure Outdoors. . .

    (Seriously, folks, any company worth fighting back for your rights and theirs is worth supporting with the dollars that you were going to spend anyway.

  6. It's just a shame Bloomberg couldn't be charged criminally as the person initiating a straw purchase.


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