Monday, October 08, 2007

I wanna be a People of the Gun!

Maybe Jeff blocks losers who still have AOL email addies.

(Of course, me complaining about not getting a response to an email should set off gales of laughter across this fair land.)

I just want my picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone People Of The Gun page. That's not too much to want, is it?


  1. If People of the Gun was a magazine, you would probably qualify as the cover girl.

  2. I was wondering why your photo wasn't up already, considering you would probably win the "Gun Queen" pageant without even trying. (imagine the tiara for that one!)

    But, I think Jeff is a little backlogged, with all the submissions and his new job, etc.

  3. "Maybe Jeff blocks losers who still have AOL email addies."

    Would you like a Gmail address?

    Seriously. AOL sucks.

    Sucks big time. Of all the clients I have, the ones with AOL email addresses always have problems with sending or receiving email.

    Besides, Tamara, you're way too 733t for AOL. You've got an image to uphold!

  4. View from the Porch is now on Traction Control's People of the Gun Blogroll ... hey, that's all I can do from here.

  5. Maybe if you--or someone--sent him The Bikini picture...

  6. Sorry, The Bikini Picture is taken.

    It's on the cover of my Rolling Stone.

  7. If I am not mistaken, Mr. Sayer has a new employment that is taking up a considerable portion of his time.

    That, and I do not believe he was honestly expecting such a large reaction to this whole "People of the Gun" thing.

    Oh, and he as a dialup modem... *twitches*

  8. Hell, I'd be glad to host the site on my servers if it would help.

  9. "(Of course, me complaining about not getting a response to an email should set off gales of laughter across this fair land.)"


    You heard that? I thought I stifled it pretty well. . .

  10. >you would probably win the "Gun Queen" pageant without even trying. (imagine the tiara for that one!)<

    Hmmm... that sounds like a fun project, actually...

    Have to think about what calibers to use...

  11. I'm not intentionally snubbing anyone, and it's possible I missed your emails. Please resend. I'll be updating the People of the Gun page on Friday at the very latest.


  12. Okay, who wants to monitor the site-meter over there?



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