Monday, October 29, 2007

Politics: Stumping from the grave.

The Giuliani campaign, fearful that voters might realize that their man is actually a Democrat, now has dead GOP presidents endorsing him.

Before his death, Ford also expressed his opinion that Guiliani would be the GOP's strongest presidential candidate in 2008.

"He said at one point that if the Republicans wanted to win and stop Hillary Clinton, Giuliani would be their best bet," said DeFrank.

Translation: "If you don't vote for our liberal Democrat, then their liberal Democrat might win!"


  1. That endorsement is nearly worthless if you consider that Rudy (Democrat in Repub clothing he may be) is going up against the candidate of a party where the dead don't stump for their candidates, but actually turn out to vote for them in large numbers.

  2. My townsman "Jake" O'Rourke once defined conservatism as "a vote for the dead." I'm sure he had something entirely different in mind.

    It's good that Jerry didn't bring this up while he was among us. As much as I liked him personally, I'd have had to bring up virtually all of the policies of his administration. Those must have been the most conservative, least intrusive wage and price controls ever.

  3. Rudy v. Hillary

    What a nightmare that is going to be.

  4. Rudy is not a Democrat. He is a corrupt Fascist, in that he is not at all interested in the people, but only in lining his pockets and those of his supporters. Few people remember that one of his first acts following 9/11 was to try to illegally extend his term of office.

  5. "Rudy is not a Democrat. ... in that he is not at all interested in the people, but only in lining his pockets and those of his supporters."

    I think you just described most politicians of both parties.


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