Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Things that make me go "Hmmmm."

Chris Muir sure has tossed out a lot of revelations of late, and now Jan and Damon are touring Baghdad in separate Humvees. I smell Major Plot Development. I'm not liking this; I fear change.


  1. I think those are supposed to be Strykers not HumVees.

  2. His comic for the 3rd is up.

    Looks bad....

  3. Sometimes, Jan's a pain in the butt...

  4. Have you seen the latest strip?
    Do you get a preview, or what?

  5. "jumping the shark" popped into my head. I hope not.

    Didn't he intimate that she was killed once when her car was jacked?

    It sucks to be Jan.

  6. But hey, that 10/3 "ba-Doom" is one classic frame of graphic story-telling. A dimension I hadn't seen in his work before. It reminded me of some very fine military comics of the 50's.

  7. It reminded me of some very fine military comics of the 50's.

    Next we need a well muscled, ill-shaven NCO, with the sleeves of his fatigue shirt ripped off, chomping on a cigar and firing a 1919 Browning from his hip.

  8. ..."her" hip, thanksveddymuch.

  9. >comatus said...

    >..."her" hip, thanksveddymuch.

    Sgt. Nicolette Fury?

  10. I've been calling Jan's death ever since Zed was gettin ready to leave Iraq. You could just kind of feel something was coming. When Damon arrived, I said that's it she's a goner.

  11. Hmmmm. Nicolette.

    As the Morons say, I'll be in my bunk.

  12. Hey!! Blogger ate my snark!

    I said that I blamed Cocks and Fuckem for hanging it up.

    (I was just wanting to use that line)

  13. I think this whole line of reasoning is rather assinine...


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