Saturday, October 13, 2007

Time to make the donuts.

Getting up at this hour for any reason other than catching fish or shooting critters should be against the law.

Normal bloggery will resume around noonish, assuming I'm not hanging on my chin strap by then. I see a few Full Throttle Blue Demons in my immediate future.


  1. What's wrong with dark, stomach-wall-destroying coffee?

    If it and a blued steel 1911 were (and are) good enough for my daddy, well...


  2. That is my normal time to get up in the morning. I feel like I am wasting the day if I sleep in.

  3. That's what time I went to sleep and you can see what time I'm up. :) tryin got devise a nefarious method to get a certain blogger to come on my show even if they don't like the sound of thier own voice (hint, hint, nudge, nudge) Actually I was doing the minster thing in a chat room until almost 0400, we went into rescue mode when a young lady said she was going to kill herself, (she didn't but it was a cry for attention and believe me she got it.) I think the sheriff's office in cooper county thinks we're a little nuts but the girl is fine. as far as sleep Meh you'll get plenty when you're dead :)

  4. There's even air at 0400? Wow, who knew?

  5. I got tired of trying to sleep and got up; working on a pot of coffee for now. It would be nice to sleep more than 4 hours a night...

  6. Hey, I can make donuts. Just call.

    Retired after 30 years in a we-never-sleep service industry (the shift that started at 0230 was called "days"), I still am up at 0445 every day. I serve the coffee, bring in the papers, stoke fire when necessary, make breakfast and see the whole family off to work and school. And then I go back to bed and SLEEP TIL FRAKKIN NOON.


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