Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Today In History: Commies Aren't Cool.

To the eternal sorrow of hippies and the eternal delight of tee shirt makers, on this date in 1967 Ernesto "Che" Guevara began his new career as a commie martyr and capitalist marketing icon.


  1. He had the concept of guerrilla warfare down pat... he just never (ever. EVER.) could successfully carry it out. He would've done the world a lot more good if he'd stayed the course as an eye doctor.

  2. The only GOOD Commies ARE COOL Commies, prividing the room is chilly.....

  3. Speaking of commies, you can see one hysterically ranting and raving about how the Freedom Ship proves that all of libertarianism is completely wrong here.

  4. Che plagarized Mao who plagarized Sun Tzu. Dunno what got lost in the translation, but Che was overwhelmed by delusions of competency.

    He's mostly remembered for his long and dirty hair, which seems to be sort of a badge of entry among his admirers...


  5. I *loved* the Taco Bell campaign a few years ago that used the Che iconography to sell fast food.

    Using that image in the service of capitalism is just the poke in the eye that murderous commie bastard deserves.

  6. While I harbor a visceral urge to sink a bullet deep inside the head of every commie, and despise the martyr iconograph which Che has become, it is important to remember that although the Dulles Brothers were stylish, as were Ike and JFK, all the above participated in 'capitalism' at its worst. The coups in Guatemala, Iran and later, in Chile were their invention. Had the Batista regime, in bed with mafiosi, not been so immoral, we never would have known the names Che or Castro. The moral high ground of the United States of America was sold for Chiqita bananas, BP oil and ITT copper.
    It was not the right of the Dulleses and Richard Helmes to pay the bill for private extra-national escapades with American's tax dollars and moral reputation.
    Don't forget that Che was a reaction to the anti-libertarian, phony capitalism of mid-century US rulers. The Dulles brothers are much worse bastards than Che or Fidel.


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