Friday, October 05, 2007

Why didn't they title the article...

..."Chimpy McHitlerburton Kills Twelve-Year-Old Boy"?

After all, the brain-eating amoeba has claimed a record number of victims this year, and

Health officials cannot explain the spike in cases this summer, except that weather plays a factor.

"Because it's been such a hot summer, that has contributed to warmer water temperatures and lower water levels and that makes an ideal environment for the amoeba," said Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine of the Arizona Department of Health, which is investigating a death last month there tied to the amoeba
And we all know that the warm weather this summer was caused by the Republicans so therefore it follows that Chimpy ate (or caused to be eaten) people's brains, no?

Hey, that was fun! Maybe I should start a more leftie blog; I think I'd be good at this kind of stuff.


  1. No, that's too logical. You need a complete disconnect in there somewhere.

  2. In addition you did not extend on into the whole global warming business, & carry on into the Iraq war, you completely zoned out & forgot to mention ether Britttney or OJ

  3. duck! Britney could use the amoeba defense! Something ate her brain...

    You're not already a lawyer, are you? 'Cause there's some real potential there. Wiggle room and amoebas sort of go together.

  4. If an amoeba ate Britney's brain, it would have still been hungry afterwards.

  5. Tam, it's not hard for someone who is sane to pretend to be insane. The reverse is a bit harder. Which I suppose is why DailyKos makes my head hurt.

  6. Um, I thought there were cases of folks contracting this amoeba from the aquarium they keep Fluffy-the-pet-barracuda in. My understanding (from news articles a couple years back, so I've slept since then and may have dreamt this all up) was that this amoeba is pretty much in the water column of nearly any decorative household aquarium, but it's one of those billion-to-one type deals where that one amoeba has to meet up with a welcoming cut on the hand or some such. Nasty business, in any case, but I am certain I remember this not being only contracted in the outdoor way. Someone let me know if I'm wrong.

  7. Didn't two of the cases originate in Lake LBJ? Doesn't that make them Great Society amoebas?


  8. Come on!
    Everyone knows that McChimpyHitlerburton is stocking these in the water to create brain-dead zombies so the R's can win the 2008 election.

    Only patriotic, progressive Americans (D's) can prevent this eeevil conspiracy and bring the troops home alive.

    (BTW, some sarcasm enclosed above.)
    Thanks for the blog Tam,

    Erik in Colo.


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