Sunday, October 07, 2007

You might live in a trailer park if... have a sign on your barbecue smoker saying "See the smoker where the severed leg was found! Adults $3, Children $1."

If there isn't a primered '77 Camaro at least peripherally involved with this story somehow, I'd be shocked. Or maybe an El Camino.


  1. Compare:

    Do they have trailer parks in India?

  2. Dammit, I already done asked you nicely to lay off us El Caministas.

    But I did go out and check in back before I said that...

    It's not true. AstroTurf (tm) does not grow in there naturally.

  3. I was betting on any number of rusting 40's and 50's pickup truck hulks...


    Oh yeah, I got the 'puter back running again.

  4. If not a Camaro, my money's on a '68 to '72 Nova.

  5. Something with the "General Lee" paint scheme maybe

  6. Hey, wait..."Is this post a joke?!"
    Isn't the key comment in the first paragraph?

    Knock out obligatory Hank Stamper and Gen. Dan Sickles references, and we're left with a strong culture bias: "civilized" people keep their severed limbs in the freezer. Smokers are greener than freezers (Always with the smokers in here). Breda has a dehydrator. Can we drag her into this?

    Naa, the key to the situation is running out of rent on the smoker-storage locker. I foresee a Keogh-plan-like revolution in stowage of no-longer-living organic stuff: a closed-end mausoleum lease, followed by public display like those science museum artworks made of cadaver cutaways. The only difference between Hee-Haw and the Arts Institute is the carnival barker.

    I'm sure you're wondering: my personal parts will be at the Smithsonian, next to Dillinger's. In the El Camino.


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