Friday, November 16, 2007

Do your homework...

Neal Boortz supposedly read my buddy Marko's "Why The Gun Is Civilization" essay on the air...

...and attributed it to "Maj. Caudill". What makes this extra funny is that it says right on the front page of Boortz's website:
Don't believe anything you read on this web page, or, for that matter, anything you hear on The Neal Boortz Show, unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or unless you have taken the time to research the matter to prove its accuracy to your satisfaction. This is known as "doing your homework."
Didn't do you homework on this one, Neal, did you?


  1. I swear to God, Major Caudill helped me save 600 Kuwaiti orphans during Desert Storm. He also shot down ten A-10 Warthogs with a Barret .50 caliber rifle (said Warthogs having previously been stolen by Cobra Commander).

  2. Didn't we establish that Maj. Caudill (Ret) is a woman?

    I've been saving this one: Boortz is obviously a man who likes to keep his friends Kloos and his enemies even Klooser...

  3. That's Neal's "get out of jail free" card. If he gets something wrong he can just point to the disclaimer and all is well.

    The New York Times could do worse than follow his example.

  4. Has anyone emailed Neal to get him to correct it?

  5. I missed that part, but did anyone figure out how her name became attached to the writing?

    Maybe it was just one of those "purple monkey dishwasher" things.

  6. ...It's invidious of me, but there's a certain mindset that finds the sentiments expressed by the erstwhile Mr. Kloos ever so much more palatable if recontextualized by putting them in the mouth of a military officer.

    I'm just sayin'.

  7. Wow. Neal made a mistake. Let's all kick him to death.

  8. No, let's not kick him to death; let's be little Dittoheads and pretend it didn't happen! That'd be more fun, don't you think?

  9. Pretend to be Dittoheads? Naw, let's just all pretend that it hadn't been mis-attributed long before and many times on the internet, well before Boortz read it. Neal is only guilty of reading something his staff probably saw attributed numerous times to the mysterious Maj. Caudill. Perhaps their Google-fu is lacking, but then so is yours if you think his is the heinous crime.

  10. " putting them in the mouth of a military officer." I'm with you up to a point, RX, but a USMC Major wouldn't have been my first thought on that. Alles Klar?

    Hey, he got an Instalanche out of it. All's well that ends...

    Tamara K, did you have a hand in that? 'Cause if you did, that's some serious W3b-fu, right there.

  11. "Naw, let's just all pretend that it hadn't been mis-attributed long before and many times on the internet, well before Boortz read it."

    And I've called it out every other time I've seen it.

    But I should keep my mouth shut about the mis-attribution this time because...?

    I await your answer with bated breath, lackwit.


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