Monday, November 26, 2007

Fashion advice that will make you cry...

...from laughing so damn hard.

(Ow, my tummy hurts from laughing.)

I, too, don't really see anything to argue against.

Oh, and please note that if you ever see me wearing Crocs, I have been killed and replaced by a pod person and the alien invasion is on, so it's probably safe to shoot me.

(Via Victory Soap 2.0.)


  1. Some things deserve to go viral. Funny, funny stuff.

  2. Literally


  3. That is one funny site thanks Tam its now in my Favorites.

    Drew in UK

  4. So ordered, Croc-Tam is shoot on sight.

  5. I am disrespecting my chest hams right now.

  6. The best is his rant about the iPhone. I can't even look at mine without snickering a little bit...

  7. Steel toed Red Wings (40 hours a week), big winter Danners, lighter fall Danners, Vasque hikers, several New Balance, various dress shoes plus other foot coverings, all have their uses.
    When I just want to slip something on more than likely it will be a pair of Crocs.
    They are comfortable and that is all that counts.
    They also work great a a kayaking and shoe.

  8. I'm pretty sure Crocs are "tactical" for yuppies.

  9. LAO, oa, you're close: 'Croc' is Yuppie for "tactical."

    100% profit to China, all made of Arabian crude, and, as you can see above, mercenaries and lumberjacks only wear them to weekend three-way reacharounds. Something here for everyone!

  10. I like his anti vegetarian rant; second to none! Thanks for the link Tam, lots of amusement there.

  11. Delicious, and yet, I insist I look fantastic with red lipstick. Where would the bombshells of the world have been without it?

  12. Ummm, and just in time for my holiday party-clothes shopping, too.

    Looks like it's Harley boots, jeans and a tight sweater again this year. Wow, the other nuns just hate that.

  13. Heh. I was working security at The Masters in...'05? When I saw them. I think Jordy may have pointed them out. They were a hideous shade of purple.

    I said, Oh, my god. Those are the ugliest shoes I've ever seen. They are to shoes what capris are to pants.

    I must say, there are other shades of lipstick than red. Real red really doesn't look good on almost anyone.

  14. comatus said...
    "LAO, oa, you're close: 'Croc' is Yuppie for "tactical."

    Damn Monday brain muddies...

    Roberta X said...
    "Looks like it's Harley boots, jeans and a tight sweater again this year. Wow, the other nuns just hate that."

    But the emo boys will write you hideous poems about how much brighter their dismal little world would be if they could browse your closet. Isn't that worth it?

    J.R.Shirley said...
    "They are to shoes what capris are to pants."

    AKA: "I just shaved to the knees" pants.

  15. no OA, you didn't mess that up, I just had to go the other way with it. But when you light into emos who write hideous poems to RX, you're hitting kind of close to home, there, pal.

  16. This guy is me, only eloquent.

  17. I have a piar of cheap knock-off crocks. I use the exclusivly for going down to the basement to retrive somthing from the freezer, or work in the armory. I only wair them in public at camp.

    He's totally right, though.

  18. My wife has a pair of those crocs and I knew I hated them for a good reason. Men always know what makes a woman look better than the woman does. Why are we never consulted from say a catalog? I sure don't want to be drug to a store for multiple try ons. That's cruel and unusual punishment. A catalog would work fine.

  19. Tam, that was so good I just had to go to his home page and pick another. It's sooo good it's obscene. Absolutely worth saving,,,entertainment "for a while" as Jerry Clower would have said.


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