Thursday, November 01, 2007

I prefer a .45, but...

...this has a certain poetic justice about it. It'd be a pyrrhic victory most likely, but it'd take the undertaker hours to get the vengeful grin off my corpse.

(H/T to Will.)


  1. "Dear Santa,

    This year, I want a...."

    Oh, hell yeah.

  2. I remember reading about something similar in a THIEVES WORLD book a couple decades back.

    "Some also fear that the sudden infliction of pain on the rapist could incite him to even greater violence."

    Yeah, squirt lemon juice in his eyes instead. That will work MUCH better! Speaking as an intact male, I have a difficult time believing that the rapist will have anything particularly coherent on his mind as he withdraws from the vagina dentata.

    In a way, I do feel sorry for the guys, though. An animal in a similar pre"dick"ament would have the option of gnawing the appendage off to escape.

    Peace out.

  3. Oh, do you think he's going to withdraw? You mean it comes out?

    I think, if you read all the wrong kinds of histories, you may find improvised versions of this during our occupation of Japan, early days.

    I'll guarantee one thing: within weeks, there'll be an alternative market, for those who demand them for, well, let's call it fun.

  4. It wouldn't be long after those devices became popular before the perps would do a quick inspection before insertion. If such a device was found I would expect the woman would punished before removal of the device and then there would be a continuation of the main objective. But it does provide food for a smirk at the thought of ones that did get caught in this manner.

    In Snow Crash the heroine of story has a similar device. A critical exception is that it injects a drug that nearly instantly renders the attacker unconscious.

    All-in-all, I would prefer my daughters to use their lead propellant devices as their behavior modification tools.


  5. Whatever happened to the old 1890's era 'chastity harpoon' that was spring-loaded for a very similar effect?

    Hell, I don't have a problem with it...why should the feminists?


  6. Well, I don't have any kind of a problem with anyone putting any kind of defences on their own selves, anywhere. At all.

    I'd rather any lady I knew had to reload her gun than her girlie bits, but then I'm sure we all would.

    As to "Don't do that, it'll make them angier" - well do please bite my spotty white Irish arse. If they're planning to rape you, and quite possibly murder you, then anything you can do to ruin their day is fair play. Hell, if people are so hot on microtagging shell cases, then a unique serial-number on each medically implanted barb might not be a bad idea.

    "Preliminary inspection" - for Sagan's sake, if he's peering around, put your shoe in his happy-sacks and your thumb in his eye and don't forget to stamp on his throat while you're pulling your panties back up, dear.

  7. "She'll be out. She's a hater, that one."

  8. The only thing that gets me shuddering is the thought that some woman who gets one of these and purposely attempts to get a man to willingly copulate with her.

    Of course that kinda says something sad about both my paranoia and some of the women I know.

  9. And you were worried about losing your snark beast.....

  10. Ya beat me to the story. I was going to snark about subhead: "A device that barbs onto rapists’ penises is causing outcry." I'll bet it would cause an outcry allright.

    They could make these in .45, but then it would only be effective against pencil dicks.

  11. I'd much prefer to avoid the struggle and the resulting bruises. Perforating a would-be rapist seems less of a hassle.

  12. I consider it a sort of... er... "ballistic fingerprinting", should all else fail. ;)

  13. "Vengeful, horrible, and disgusting," was the response from Charlene Smith, one of South Africa's leading anti-rape campaigners.

    Ummm... I think that's kinda the point, Charlie dear. What's your suggestion; make the guy a sandwich and spoon after?


  14. [falsetto]Sounds like a good idea to me![/falsetto]

  15. "This is like going back to the days when women were forced to wear chastity belts. It is a terrifying thought that women are being made to adapt to rape."
    Oy, vey.
    Well, fine, then. Arm them! Oh, wait, you're not into that anymore, are you.
    Anyone else here have a giggle at the "911 Jack" a few years ago? Essecmntially a bronze BBQ Brush on a lanyard, the diea was that the woman being attakce dwould take this thing and rake it across her assailant's face, thus deterring him from further advances due to the pain, and also gathering a DNA sample. I kid you not.
    The perpetrator of this thing was a woman from California, of course...

  16. It does befuddle the brain, on further reflection, that there will be some people who approve of this instead of simply shooting the bastard. As one extra last line of defence, sure and cool, but if you're at the point where it's in play, most of the worst has, presumably, already happenned.

    Just clarifying my position that the best treatment for would-be rapists is nine millimetres of Trepanazine. Long before a finger gets laid on the lady.

    (And also I can't beleive it's taken this long for D. W. Drang's name to sink in. I'm such a bowb).

  17. "....some woman gets one of these and purposely attempts to get a man to willingly copulate with her."

    All the more reaon to REALLY get to know her before you get THAT INTIMATE.

    Some of the arguements I hear on why more people don't carry concealed handguns is that it's a hassle or it's inconvenient or uncomfortable. I'm trying to figure how this is less of a hassle or more convenient or more comfortable than a small lead projectin' personal protectin' widget. Aside from the (unnecessary) legal issues.

    Then again, if you STBDRT, he can't sue you for being krewel and hartless....

  18. That one lady in the story said she feared further harm from the offender.

    Ain't too many guys gonna continue an attack with fishooks in their wiener.

  19. "Ain't too many guys gonna continue an attack with fishooks in their wiener."

    I think most of the people here are overestimating the effect this would have. Sure the rape itself will be averted, and when he decides to smash the victim's face into the pavement in retaliation? Rage and adrenline have been known to empower someone even after great injury. Now if the barbs were coated with, say, rattlesnake vemon, then we might be talking...

  20. Yes, the best I'd hope for from this device is giving the victim the chance to draw her .45. And a gratlly increased temptation to inflict wounds that weren't immediately fatal...


  21. Well, D.W., remember - if she was in California, she couldn't legally carry because she wasn't a cop/politician/movie star.

  22. This is the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. Anyone who didn't just wake up from a coma knows that rape is not about sex. It's about power, dominance and anger. You poke Mr. Pycho's willie and he'll kill you, plain and simple - after raping you with his tire iron or whatever else is handy.
    If you want to be dead, it would be better to handcuff a briefcase to your wrist or carry a cyanide capsule. More likely you'd get an open casket funeral.
    Seriously, if this is your first line of're dead. You just haven't fallen down yet.

  23. I'm pretty sure that I said that this wouldn't be my "first line of defense" or even my last; but that it would make for poetic vengeance from beyond the grave.

    "Anyone who didn't just wake up from a coma knows that rape is not about sex. It's about power, dominance and anger."

    Thank you for the Feminism 101; I'm pretty sure I already have that in my notes here somewhere... :)

  24. Whatever you say...
    Your readership seems a bit dim in spots though.

  25. As far as Ollie's contention goes...after the feminists began claiming that rape was about power, dominance, and anger, etc. ad nauseum; several studies were done. The studies found that about a third of the rapes were about power, dominance, and anger.

    That was about fifteen years ago. I haven't looked at the scientific literature since as I'm no longer employed in the psychiatric field.

    He seems a bit dim himself, though. Another case of the pot calling the kettle black.

  26. "In a way, I do feel sorry for the guys, though. An animal in a similar pre"dick"ament would have the option of gnawing the appendage off to escape."

    If we had that option, we wouldn't ever get anything done :(


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