Friday, November 23, 2007

Lead-free crib toys.

Hillary has a plan on how to make kiddie toys safe. Unsurprisingly, it involves lots of my money, hiring gobs more government workers, and maybe forming a whole new bureau of something or other.

Hils, if government was the answer to this, there wouldn't be a problem in the first place; those toys are made in China, and if there's one thing China doesn't have a shortage of, it's government. Hell, they got government coming out their ears and they still can't keep the PCBs out of Tickle-Me Elmo.


  1. Glad to see that you found the snark again.

  2. "Unsurprisingly, it involves lots of my money, hiring gobs more government workers, and maybe forming a whole new bureau of something or other."

    Unfortunately, among too many people that seems to be the accepted answer for everything that goes wrong in the world. Too many times the cure is worse than the ill.

  3. I will give the Chinese credit for something, though. When a bureaucrat intentionally allows fake drugs to be sold said bureacrat gets a 7.62x39mm pill to the medulla oblongata.

    Tempting, very tempting.

  4. bobg,

    You nailed it, sir.

    Wish we could get the stupid out from between the ears of the rest of the proles, but it's an impossible battle to win, I fear.

  5. . Unsurprisingly, it involves lots of my money, hiring gobs more government workers, and maybe forming a whole new bureau of something or other.

    hmmm. sounds like a republican and a democratic strategy. Don't fool yourself into thinking the GOP is the party of small government.

  6. Good call, Jonathon, because that's precisely what she was trying to do. But you're too smart for her, oh yes you are.

  7. Oh, that's me all right: Mindless Tool of the GOP.


    I'm a %#@$ing anarchist, Jonathon, although I can be coddled into being nice to libertarians on my more statist days...

  8. Seems the CNN folks got told to take their link down.

    Of course they complied. You could get postively ill crossing Hillery!'s campaign

  9. "I'm a %#@$ing anarchist..."


  10. Okay, Jonathan's new at this, so he gets the McGee closet crash and a roll of the Hanna-Barbera bongos, but:

    The 19th cent. Russian and European anarchist movement, not without some powerful thinkers, got totally taken in by the nascent radical Left. "Bomb-throwing anarchist" was a cartoon joke for 50 years--because they fooled themselves into thinking the communards were the party of small government.

    It can happen in the %#@$ of families. Eternal vigilance, the cost of %#@$.


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