Friday, November 09, 2007

Should've guessed...

Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!
You drink everyone under the table.

So that's why my ancestors invaded the place...

(Found here.)


  1. HA-ha, Frenchie.

    Heh, can you check on the Champe d Elyse or however you frogs spell it? My inner German feels like some marching.

  2. I came up French, which is ridiculous. If they'd had a proper "haggis" entry on the food choices, it'd be obvious my inner European is from the Hebrides.

  3. Let's me and you go to the pub then, yeah?

  4. I came up Dutch. Travesty it is.

  5. I liked every single thing on the whole list, except the cars were laughers mostly.

    Guess that makes me Ohioan?

  6. Dutch here too.

    Must have been those fruity choices for dream car. Not a pickup truck in the lot.

  7. I came up Irish. Since my ancestors from the Isles were Scots, I decided not to post the resukts. ;)

  8. "Must have been those fruity choices for dream car. Not a pickup truck in the lot."

    Exactly; I prefer trucks and Jeeps.

  9. Jeep has a plant near Vienna. Ten years ago they outnumbered all other US cars in Yerp (not saying a lot). Notice how Trabbis weren't on the list? Yugos? Skoda? SEAT? Meh, notmuchofa.

    Enzo Ferrari said, "The Americans do not need a sports car. They have the Jeep."

  10. And here I thought "Do you have any Irish in ya?" was just a cheesy pickup line.

    Who knew?

  11. Swedish? I can live with that.

    And, hey... Swedish is not French... I'll sleep much better tonight! Perhaps I'll even dream of sacking monasteries...

  12. comatus--

    'Tis said that a SEAT is nothing more than a FIAT built on last years' worn-out tooling in Spain.

    At least that's how we felt when I was in Rota.

  13. Used to be. Now it's VW instead. But they build a car called "Toledo," and even Jeep hasn't got the stones to try that.

    What do you have to anwser on the quiz to be an inner Liechtensteiner? I haven't even seen a Belgian yet. Have these people ever been to Yerp?


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