Tuesday, November 06, 2007

They don't want my opinion...

CNN is all a-twitter, calling for people's reactions to the writer's strike, with the question asked being: "Tell us -- what would you do without TV?"

Well, CNN, it will take some time for the writer's strike to affect me, since VFTP Command Central is not currently equipped with a functioning idiot box. Actually, that's not entirely true: There's a dinky 13" color set hooked up to my VHS machine, and a bigger 19" tube currently in use as a video game monitor, but neither have so much as a set of rabbit ears hooked to 'em. I found out that the TeeWee writers were striking by reading about it in a dead tree newspaper.


  1. Yeah, the most TV I watch is the occasional PBS show...on the rabbit ears. I can't justify $500+ a year for sheer idiocy. I get that enough without having to pay for it.

    Read a book. It's better for you.

  2. I got rid of my TV in 2002. Haven't missed it. (Watch movies on the PC).

    Read a book, take a walk, live life.

  3. We'd have to pay for cable to get CNN, so we don't. All's they do is make up lies anyhow.

  4. Got several TV's and cable. I haven't watched anything on the alphabet's in a long time and don't feel like I missed living vicariously through actors mouthing scripts accompanied by a laugh track. Movies... TCM for the most part as the other productions now seem so shallow.

    OTOH I can watch educational productions, the NASA channel and the cartoon channel ain't half bad entertainment either for the kid.

    There's also a good channel for sportsmen and shooters with product demonstrations.

    TV is a tool and ymmv.

  5. Without TV? Why I'd... i'd...

    I'd be bored for an hour or so on wednesday night, I'd have to use the radio for background noise when doing housework on the weekends, and I'd miss my 45 minute's worth of Adult Swim stuff. That's about it, really...

  6. I have a tele-veezion machine, so can no longer speak from the attitude of high moral authority being espoused above, however:

    I used-to didn't. I went through the entire 1970's without it, then, even back when pay TV had no commercials, got re-pissed-off and had them take THAT out (came back for Gulf I, but soon went over to short wave). And, y'know what? It still shows on me. I never knew Charlie or his Angels, Mister A-Team "or whatever," and so somehow miss all that part of the National Dialogue. And when I went back to having a lit-up screen in the home, I had a whole different feeling about it. I don't care what Oprah says, don't know or care about Ms. Grey or her anatomy. 'Friends'? What friends? So good on allayas who are living off The Net: even if you can't stay away for a lifetime (channel), you'll notice the change.

  7. Well, I still have one, & the wife & I watch a movie on DVD on Saturday night.

    (Woo Hoo- parrrty!)

    ANYway, shut mine off to broadcast after the 9/11 attacks started to become OUR fault. When was that, about September 15th?

    Being a cheap bastarge, & not wanting to shoot perfectly good electronics, I found it better to put it in a piece of furniture so it has disappeared (until Sat. night).

    A recent transgression however. I wanted to see Fred on Meet the Depressed last Sunday morning. Hitched up the wire to the roof antenna, but found the rotator must have rusted in place.

    Fred was good, just a little fuzzy…

  8. Oh no! With the writers on strike, that means I might not get another DVD set of a show I might like for a couple more years!


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