Thursday, November 22, 2007

This _I_ believe:

I believe my friend Marko has so much damn writing talent that reading a post of his can sometimes leave me tongue-tied for days, unable to type much beyond "Yeah! What he said!"


  1. Essays like that always have inspiration. I suspect Marko and many others up & down our respective blogrolls (myself included) had an invaluable mentor that shaped our values at an early age.

  2. I don't believe in ghosts.

    I don't believe in an afterlife.

    I do believe in the First Law of Thermodynamics, and were he here, I believe RAH would like seeing his energy conserved. :)

  3. "so much damn writing talent that reading a post of his can sometimes leave me tongue-tied for days, unable to type much beyond "Yeah! What he said!"

    Yes, and sometimes you do it to us

  4. I wish I were a tenth as eloquent. Well said.

  5. Unh -- what y'all said. Da-yum.

  6. funny, I feel the same about you.

  7. Looks like Marko, RAH and I have something in common!: the ability to inspire, in beautiful women, an intense passion.

    For each other.

    I'm right on the line between "Get a room" and "Can I watch." What a wyrd bunch of wo-yo-to Ho's.

    *I'm batting about zero on the Wagner jokes so far today, so I'm really t...rhein, maidens. And that's no mime.

  8. Um, ditto?


    You just described my typical reaction to many bloggers' posts.


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