Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Three Linkings and a Funeral.

A bit of blogroll maintenance has been in order for a while. Plugging the qabalistic formulae into the blogroll computer, I find I need to add three links:

JPG at The Expert Witness: Real-life friend and father of my bro Matt, JPG has been there and done that and has the gift for describing it.

Breda of The Breda Fallacy: I'm insanely jealous of her, because she has my dream job. But me in a library would be like an alcoholic tending bar; I'm not sure how much work I'd actually get done...

Roberta at The Adventures of Roberta X: Geeky as she wantsta be. "You like Blade Runner? No way! That's my fave! You're a Heinlein fan, too? Get outta here!" Must be my sister from another mother.

I was planning to add another one of my favorite reads, but Scully from Skywritings has allegedly realized that, as much as we enjoyed reading her stuff on the small screen, we'd really rather read it in a big fat dead-tree book, and so she has pulled her blog to focus on writing an actual, you know, book-type-book. Here's hoping I can get my copy autographed. If you're reading this, Scully, know that you've been an inspiration.


  1. ::blushes:: Way kewl! And you've summed my personality up in one line, too.

    I'm pretty sure we're closely related; maybe not through anyone in this dimension but still...! At the very least, we've got the same foster father: RAH.

  2. I know librarians. I listen to their stories. Tam, you'd kill someone before the first week was up.

    I know I would :)

  3. "Skywritings has allegedly realized that, as much as we enjoyed reading her stuff on the small screen, we'd really rather read it in a big fat dead-tree book, and so she has pulled her blog to focus on writing an actual, you know, book-type-book. . . . If you're reading this, Scully, know that you've been an inspiration."

    Well, good.

    Git wit' it!

  4. Many thanks for the link and the kind words, Tams. Our household makes at least four hits per day on VFTP all week. Then on SU I begin optomistically checking for the latest Sunday Smith post.

    Holly sends regards.

  5. If you're reading this, Scully, know that you've been an inspiration.

    I'll make sure she knows.

  6. Scully pulled her blog?? That's a shame, because the woman can write!! I read roberta and Breda occasionally, and Tam every day.
    Oh, and all the above have a way with words I only wish I had.

  7. Ha. Dr. Strangegun is right, Tam. It took me at least three years to become apathetic enough to squelch the urge.

    & thank you. I'm honored.

  8. ROFL at "an alcoholic tending bar."

  9. By the way, Scully didn't "pull her blog."

    Her blog was hijacked by some spammer who hacked into it. Scully apparently decided that rather than go through the effort of trying to restore it, she took that as an opportunity to drop blogging and to try to get a book done.

    It's about as though someone's house burned down and they said "fuck it, I might as well move."

  10. BTW, not only am I honored, being Mentioned By Tam has tripled the traffic at my blog so far.

    Move over, Merrill Lynch! When Tamara talks, people click on links!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. R.X. Same here! I got SayUncle *and* Tam in one day! ZOOOOOOM goes the sitemeter!

    (but now? Oh, the pressure!)

  13. Yes. . I was considering taking a break from it for personal reasons. . then I was hacked. If you go to my site now you get my art layout filled with ads for Viagra and some old comments. Made me pretty sick. My friend Carteach0 (Mal-fits) and his lovely wife saved much of it on their computer so I didn't lose ALL my writing. . just some stuff.

    But as much as that was like coming home. . as you say. . to find your house burned down your beer gone and your dog molested, it finalized that brewing decision. The book will come. Thanks so much Tam. . . Ambulance Driver, Marko, Sohos, EBMisfit, BobG, Jeffro,and Cowboyblob all have my home email info as we chat outside of the blogosphere so drop in anytime to say hi. . you're about at the top of my list of woman who inspire.
    Scully at "the hacked" Skywritings


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