Thursday, November 08, 2007

Today In History: Putschrified.

On this date in 1923, a heavily-armed mob of parlor revolutionaries, street heavies, and the kind of people you find lurking in the darker corners of the internet (or under rocks) marched on the main cop shop in Bavaria, where they encountered 100 Bavarian state troopers who ordered them to disperse. Not being in a dispersing mood, they were then treated to a whiff of grapeshot by the cops.

Upon realizing that they only outnumbered the polizei by some 20 to 1, the mob suddenly remembered that it had business elsewhere and bravely evaporated, leaving their leader (who had only been winged, more's the pity) to scarper off to a buddy's house where he hid out from the cops and acted all emo for a few days. When the heat showed up to arrest him, he started making whiny suicide threats but was dissuaded (again, more's the pity) and, after serving one year of a five-year felony treason rap, went on to a successful career in politics, proving that people will vote for anyone.


  1. He did have a rather X-treme foreign policy...

  2. Hahahahaha!

    Dirt, you kill me! Not kill me like Adolf, but you kill me nonetheless.

    Yes, morons will vote anyone into office. Look what we've had for the last half-century.

  3. Gee only 20-1? & I thought the anti's said firearms would not deter the bad guys

  4. Oh, the mob was heeled, too. Just cowardly.

    The Po-lice stood their ground while taking 4% KIA, while the bold National Socialists scattered after taking 0.08%.

  5. Not exactly on topic, but comes to mind for some reason. Just an old tune from Argentina:

    I know a dark secluded place,
    Where we'll rebuild the Master Race.
    A Spanish name, a German face.
    You're in Kommandos Hideaway.

    And one more I always liked:
    "I'm going to personally shoot that paper hanging son of a bitch."
    --George Patton

  6. There's a story that goes around about why Berlin still has its grand synagogue. It involves a big mob, Kristallnacht, and one armed policeman. A "good German," as I used to teach my son.

  7. Just goes to show ya what happens when you don't hang reasonous bastids.

  8. "Reasonous." Oh, what he said.

    rick, your "t" key, Roberta's "c" and my "s" ought to get together and stop embarrassing people...

  9. comaus--

    he machines are rebelling I ell ya!

    Srange he spell checker didn' cach i.


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