Saturday, November 03, 2007


You know it's bad when your alarm clock goes off and birds are yelling "Hey! Wouldja shut that thing up? Some of us are trying to sleep!"


  1. That's fine, because you were going to wake them up anyway, with your vibrant energy as you. . .

    Maybe a quick nap, first. . .

  2. Good to get you own back on the pesky birds for a change.

  3. Just walk out on the porch and say
    "I'm hungry! Who's for breakfast?"

    Works every time. It gets real quiet around here when I do that.

  4. Thanks, nothing better than a belly laugh to start my day.

  5. I had a job like that for a few years. It sucks always going to work in the dark.

  6. After a while you get used to it.

    I am up and on the way to work before 5am most days to avoid the traffic in Houston. 5 minute commute at 5 am or 1 hour at 6 am or 2 hours at 7 am.

    Take your pick.

    I chose 5 am.

  7. "Take your pick.

    I chose 5 am."

    So long as you also get out early, that's cool.

    My experience has been it just means I also get to work until 10pm when I arrive early, which makes for a long day.

  8. This looks like as good a spot as any to pile on to daylight wasting time. On behalf of everybody who starts at 5 or 6 AM, I want my name on the class-action suit. One toils through the early spring to see the merest sprig of daylight on the way in to the mine, only to have all hope dashed by dem bureaucrats. Then, in the fall, it's Ultima Thule all over again. Accident rates go up like a crime wave, power plants shift into Scammell gear, and--you know, I didn't know I had circadian rhythms until I worked that shift--I manage to get over the government-imposed depression about one week before the next shift. It's like living a Burgess novel.

    'Course for the likes of us in here, depression rates between a lifestyle choice and a hobby. If it didn't occur "naturally" I'd have to change brands to bring it.


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