Wednesday, December 05, 2007

CNN is just Your Happy News Source this morning.

1) Don't stand. Don't stand so. Don't stand so close to me. Even when we're just washing dishes.

2) How To Tell If You're In A Cult: If the guy in the pulpit starts buggering five year-olds and claims he's a prophet, it's probably a cult.


  1. Mr. Rodriguez checked himself out a couple of years back....... why is CNN bringing this up this morning? Other than to get some attention. Sex, especially tawdry sex, sells...........

  2. ...and it don't come much tawdrier.

  3. Just another vivid demonstration of the results of Liberal Philosophy: It's not about results. Results and Consequences be Damned! It's about how they FEEL about a particular thing at a particular moment in time. "Live in the moment." ............ eFF'n HIPPIES.......... FIRE MISSION! indeed...........

  4. In 1984 at the end of my high school gig, I took a job at a fast food place (yes, me. I did that.) and the assistant manager would always rub his crotch on my ass as he walked past and try to play it off as if he was trying to sqeeze past me in a tigh space, which it absolutely was not. I complained to the manager and the corporation, and they just moved me to other (crappy) shifts. The times have changed a bit, eh? If I'd told my father, he'd probably be out of jail now for having kilt the mofo with his bare hands. Then again, he may not even have been indicted in 1984 Texas.

  5. er, tight space, meant to say.
    * must proof-read before hitting post.
    must proof-read before hitting post.
    must proof-read before hitting post.

  6. Child's play...where's Jim Jones when you need him? You didn't have to charge a dime for kool aid when the Rev. was in the house.

  7. So what if the guy has sex with a nine year old and claims to be a prophet? Still a cult?

  8. Yeah, but a really big cult. (And ol' Mo was about my age, which, to me at least, makes it even more disturbing.)

  9. People make it so easy to be misanthropic, eh?

  10. I wonder if the cult that Suicide Guy's mom belonged to is part of the one that got busted down here recently. One of them was just sent to Angola for having raped a 5year old. Tried googling for the news story, but gave up after getting page after page of conspiracy nuts who make your average Ron Paul supporter seem rational.

  11. OH, and that's Angola State Prison, not the country of Angola. Come to think of it, I'm not sure which of the two would be a worse destination...

  12. Ick. Too bad he didn't catch up with his mom.

  13. CNN is bad?

    So their story about the Omaha Mall shooter using an AK47 with SKS 7.66 mm ammo is not right?



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