Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mitt is not pleased... TIME's choice of Czar Vladimir I as person of the year. "You know, he imprisoned his political opponents. There have been a number of highly suspicious murders," said Romney, "Also, speaking as last year's Person Of The Year myself, his hair is nowhere near as good as mine."


  1. Maybe it was going topless wot done it for him. Remember those pictures-- he was fishing or something? He looked like he was ready to bare-knuckle box someone.

  2. I'v enoticed that lots of folks are less than pleased. They fail to note that Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were also Time's Men Of The Year...

  3. I have more of a problem with Mitt's fake gun-support than his faked-up hair, however as a baldy I'm somewhat jealous of the extraordinary lethality of his volumizer.
    I believe he uses as much Clairol and Breck folicle oscillation products as whatshisname the retard lawyer.

  4. There must be some mistake. The 2006 Time Man of the Year was me.

  5. Let's not forget Deng Xiaoping and Ayatollah Khomeini.

  6. Mitt promotes himself with red foam "Mitt-mitts," for Chrissakes.
    I would have been embarrassed to have his people at the gun-show table next to me-
    if I hadn't been looping a 6 hour tape of Ron Paul videos.
    Mitt needs to lighten up already.
    I wonder what he thinks of the gun bill that congress passed today...


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