Monday, December 17, 2007

Smith & Wessons are cool, but...

...they are not Contrapulatronic.

No matter how big a chunk of lead a .44 tosses or how effective a .357 Magnum is against blocks of Jell-o, you have to wonder if Aether Oscillation and Atomic Vibratulation wouldn't work a little better on Bug-Eyed Monsters. Or zombies.


  1. Not quite chain mail, but I suppose it'll do.

  2. Who new atomic tea kettle's scored the babes...

  3. Years ago I read a comment on the covers for those early space operas, it went something like this.
    "why is it that the man has to be in full armor and the girl needs only a bikini?"

  4. New? Bloody damn Monday.

  5. jon -

    It's because girls look SO much better in bikinis then in full armor.

  6. It may not count as full armor, but these aren't so bad, if that's what you like.

    The problem with female battle armor is that the armorers are all men. If they'd just take the (ahem) breast plates, and bang them out a little here and here, and make some adjustments in other quarters, they'd look just fine.

    Although, frankly, nobody will look good in the atomic tea kettle. The best you could say about it from an aesthetics point of view is "articulated marital aid".

  7. "The best you could say about it from an aesthetics point of view is "articulated marital aid".

    I was thinking more robotomized udders, but yours makes more sense. That space critter looks like he can do some stuff with his face. Fire with fire, and all that.

  8. I never liked body armor. Makes it too hard to flee if things go wrong.

  9. Brothel owner M'Jubb (R) rushes to inform Spaceman Studly that while role playing in his establishment is certainly acceptable, the use of live ammo is definitely not.

  10. Well I'd certainly hate to take that off under two T-shirts.

  11. So the modeling career is taking off finally, eh Tam?

  12. The handles of his pistols look like a Swiss 1882 Ordnance Revolver...

  13. For a woman in Armour, and sculpted by a woman, try the Hellgate: London Female Templar, sculpted By Weta Workshop's Brigette Wuest


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