Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy birthday, Professor...

January 3rd is the birthday of the late Professor Tolkien, painter of the backdrops of my teenage imagination.


  1. And I thought I was the only one celebrating.

  2. I expect I'll turn one over later this evening.

  3. In honor of the great man, I repeat some lines from the tail end of his great story:

    The Road goes ever on and on
    Out from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    Let others follow it who can!
    Let them a journey new begin,
    But I at last with weary feet
    Will turn towards the lighted inn,
    My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

    Professor Tolkien has long since ended his journey on the The Road, but we still remember him fondly.

  4. So, 5 years from now do we get to celebrate his Eleventy First birthday?

  5. "Tolkien's Webley .455 service revolver was put on display in 2006 as part of a Battle of the Somme exhibition in the Imperial War Museum..."
    (From the Wikipedia article)

    Man, tell me that wouldn't be a revolver to have in your collection...


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