Monday, January 21, 2008

Holy Huckabee!

It was good to see the Huck take a stomping in South Carolina. This guy is starting to scare me as much as any of the Democrats. There is nothing like a candidate who thinks that what "we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards" to make me appreciate the Second Amendment, 'cause a president that talked like that would make me want to use it. I haven't heard a creepier statement from a national political figure since Pat Robertson said that a national "spirit-filled police force" would be a swell idea. Yeah, that's what I want, a van full of geheime staatspolizei down at the end of the block praying for god to tell them which door to kick in; that'd just beat a search warrant all to hell.

On the other hand, that means the Manchurian Candidate won, which means that a sizable percentage of voters in South Carolina are dumb enough to think that a hawkish Democrat would make a swell GOP candidate.

UPDATE: Marko tries a little experiment in comparing Amendments and Commandments.


  1. How Ironic that Google decided to post a Huckabee advert on the top of this Huckabee drubbing!!

  2. Tell me about it Tam. Then this guys tells you about all the taxes he cuts when he was the govenator. Its recently surfaced that he also raised taxes twice to what he has cut. Also add that NO ONE can find out where this guy was preaching when he was a preacher man. Kind of raises the eye brow of impropriety. I wrote off the incredible Huck when I read his platform. Vertical day! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

  3. The last time we had a populist evangelical in the White House, we gave away the Panama Canal...

  4. The country's record on Southern Baptist Presidents has thus included such luminaries as Jimmy "Malaise" Carter and William Jefferson "The definition of is" Clinton. I'm not excited about the prospect of a third, and I am a Southern Baptist.

    Granted, I'm toying with the idea of converting to Lutheranism. Their church picnics have beer.

  5. Most everyone who isn't religious recognizes that mixing up government and religion is bad for government. I think they're right, but it isn't exactly surprising that they'd have this perspective. It's easy to see how someone from a different (or no) religion would abhor the ascendancy of a religion over secular government.

    What is surprising is how few religious people recognize that mixing up government and religion is catastrophic for RELIGION. The Russian Orthodox church still hasn't recovered from getting so far into bed with the Czars. Telling the peasants for so many years that these corrupt and incompetent tyrants were appointees of God did little to enhance the credibility of the church.

    Government is an essentially temporal and corrupting business. I'd like to keep my church clean from all of that.

    Religion messing up government? It's a concern to me, but really, government is so messed up already I'm not too worried about the church messing it up any more.

    Government messing up the church? This is a much more serious concern. I can't think of any government agency or institution and say, "I wish the institution that facilitates my eternal salvation was run more like that."

  6. Twenty years ago I read Margaret Atwood's book, The Handmaid's Tale. I think anyone who thinks that a hard swing toward religious fundamentalism in government is a good thing should read it; I especially think that anyone who worries about fundamentalism in government and distrusts it should read it, too.


  7. Note to self: read from the bottom up before commenting, not top down.

  8. If you want to be even more worried about Rev. Huckabee, read this opinion piece:

  9. Hmmmmm. I hadn't heard anyone else refer to McCain as the Manchurian candidate yet. That's worth a few points, Tam.


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