Friday, January 25, 2008

Look what I didn't get for my birthday!

Pretty cool though, huh?

Colt Walker revolver. A Co. #53. Sharp gun. Displayed in the Texas Gun Collectors Association “Parade of Walkers”. Formerly in the famous Paul Sorrell collection. Very nice and rare Walker! $155,000.00

Old Colts in general have gotten pretty crazy, but Walker Colt prices are completely off the chain.


  1. With a price like that I'd hope you get a written guarantee that the ramrod lever won't fall down when you shoot it.

  2. History with a capital "H". I think they'd string ya up if you tried to leave Texas with it.

  3. Tam,
    Not sure if you have ever stepped inside Collector's but I think you would be very much at home there,its a wonderful place, almost museum like.

  4. As the years pass and each of my aged relations shuffles off this mortal coil, the extended family descends vulture-like to redistribute the assorted heirlooms.

    I keep thinking that in some attic or the back of a dusty closet I'll come across an old & battered steamer trunk containing a long forgotten brace of Walker Colts, still clad in Ranger leather and accompanied by a tattered yet legible bill of sale.

    Hasn't happened yet. I keep hoping...

  5. Had fun with a Repro Walker one time we put 55grns of swiss fine BP a wad and ball and fired, its a not to be repeated shot it kicked one handed.A long time ago in the early 70s a club member one the Black Pistol long range shoot at a Hundred yards with a Repro Walker
    nobody was more suprised than him
    BP Pistols are all we can shoot pistol wise in the UK now.

    Drew in UK

  6. Very cool indeed. The most powerful handgun in the world for the better part of a century. Big price on a biiiiig pistol.

    Do you know "Rose of Alabamy" Josey?

  7. Tell me Tam until the 357mag came out was'nt the Walker the most powerfull hand gun, i know the 1896Broom Handle Mauser was the quickest velocity wise but the Walker just beat the 45lc on power when fully loaded with BP.

    Drew in UK

  8. AFAIK, full-house Walker loads were not superseded in muzzle energy until the debut of the .357 Magnum in the 1930s.

  9. Shouldn't that be "off the wall", not "off the chain"?

  10. I miss Collector's, used to spend a lot of Houston downtime making wish lists there. If I ever win the lottery, I'm going right back to that little gun shack in South Texas. Where they don't mind if you packing while you wikiwikiwakinwoo.

  11. I want that piece to whisper in my ear.

  12. Its a nice gun and in a lot better shape then you would expect from the pictures. If you go down there (Collector's) and are a reasonable regular like I am, they may let you actually handle it.

    You are talking history of Texas here and yes if I had the coin or one of the oil wells comes in big time, then yes I would buy it just to display around the house like they did for a long time down at "Taste of Texas".

    The Uberti clones are a lot of fun to shoot! If you get a chance go try and shoot one or go to Collector's. I try to limit my trips since I almost always buy something when I am there.


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