Sunday, January 06, 2008

Rain, rain, go away... I can take pictures of a Smith today.


  1. Rain rain go away,
    so I can have a safe drive today...

    Forcast here = partly cloudy and approaching 70 degrees. Still gotta make a Nashville run in the dark and rain no matter what. :/

    Hope your weather improves, you have interesting Smith's.

  2. Umbrella+duct tape.

    If you are like me, you don't own #1.

    I see a lightness on the horizon, a bit. It may yet reach you today...

  3. Hey, Sis - -

    Are you still suffering from that sleep deficit? A rainy day is usually a really good time to take a nice, long, nap.

    Really, now. We've kinda gotten used to seeing the Sunday Smith on Monday, and you really sounded tired.


    Sweet dreams.


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