Thursday, January 17, 2008

Stupid memes...

Okay, raise your hand if you've wasted more than 45 minutes of your life playing with that stupid album meme. No one? You're a bunch of liars; I know I pissed away most of Monday evening. I did wind up saving my most plausible looking result:

Obviously you can find this album in the New Age section at your local music joint, or in the World Music section, next to the aromatherapy crap, at your local Crystals & Unicorns shoppe.

(Why am I bugged that Firefox's spellchecker knows "aromatherapy"? After all, it knows "phrenology", too...)


  1. Yeah... I had to stop myself after two.

  2. I got mine done in twelve minutes flat.

  3. I'd like to propose a variation on the meme. Get your two bits of verbiage, then scan the Flickr pages for an appropriate image. Combine went and dry, mix until all lumps are wet. Pour onto buttered griddle. Cook until lightly browned.

    Mark Alger

  4. 0h, okay, I confess. The one I posted on my blog was the best out of, well...too many.

  5. Yeah, thanks Tamara, that's an hour of my life I'll never get back...But it was fun :)

  6. I did it and mine was great.

    Unfortunately I don't have the mahd skillz to put the picture and the words together!

  7. I couldn't get any that worked worth a crap. I tried four times - I'm not avant-garde enough.

  8. (Why am I bugged that Firefox's spellchecker knows "aromatherapy"? After all, it knows "phrenology", too...)

    Perhaps their programmers could use a little corrective phrenology...

  9. Can anyone else thank Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez for their first lesson in phrenology?

  10. I did one, just one.

    And I was happy with it.


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