Friday, February 29, 2008


Glenn Reynolds received the following bit of argumentum ad moronum in his in-box yesterday:
no shit Mccain leads democrats in TN. Like that is even a question.

Its a fucking southern red neck state. Obama or Hilary would never win that backwater hole.

we in nyc laugh at the south and think you people are pathetic.

It must be tough to think of yourself as so cosmo and still live in hell.

And when you visit NYC we sense your backwaterness. We can smell it a mile away.
And yet you can't smell your shift key from less than two feet. Oh, and "Hillary" has two "l"s.

Makes you wonder where that awful stereotype of the Rude New Yawker comes from, no?

PS: Y'all can keep Al.


  1. I've found that the intarw3bz have been populated with douchebags from all over the place. Every city has its share. You can't run. You can't hide. They're annoying, sophmoric, and prolific.

  2. If New Yorkers are so smart, why do they live in New York?

  3. Um, didn't Al Gore come from, uh, the South? Tennessee, even?

    btw, I love it when you school morons, Tam. No one else gives such good snark.

  4. I've met several nice New Yorkers, none of them live there anymore, I wonder why?

  5. José said:
    I've met several nice New Yorkers, none of them live there anymore, I wonder why?
    And as a corollary, I know a surprising number of ultra-liberal ijits (who aren't from NYC) who have moved there to get their advanced degrees in liberal ijitry nonsense.

    I wish there was a way to ship them to NYC in bulk. Might make Seattle a little less schizophrenic, and NYC is a lost cause.

  6. The only comment I've ever gotten belittling me for being a rube was signed by the city of New York.

    I wonder why residents of that city compensate so much.

  7. ...and everyone from the South is a booger-eating hillbilly.

    I'm sure y'all are having a good time and I'm not really here to burn your groove.

    It's just that I've lived both Here & There and I know what's up. It doesn't look like some of you do. At all.

  8. Who gives a watery crap about New York?

  9. It's the world's largest amusement park, and I know some great people who live there. I wish you could meet them.

    I do.

    I care about it at least as much as I care about the rest of America.

  10. A Hank Jr. song comes to mind... "If Heaven Ain't A Lot Like Dixie"... Hell and New York City... there ain't a lot of difference.

    If I went to New York, I'd be lookin' at how to escape as soon as I got there.hehe

  11. Sorry Billy, but I think you got NYC and Las Vegas confused.

  12. Just my luck I really don't care for amusement parks - but I do care about NYC today as I watch my portfolio tank and wonder what kind of genius decided it was a good idea to combine the world's biggest amusement park with the world's largest financial markets -or is it the same thing?

  13. New Yorkers are rude because we're fed up dealing with retarded tourists.

    Seriously people - Manhattan is numbered grid! How the hell do you get lost?!

  14. I lived in CT for 11 yrs and NJ for 5 after that and the one thing that struck me about New Yorkers is how utterly, comically, parochial they are. I knew a guy from NYC who didn't realize there were gas stations outside the metro area. He wanted to buy some spare gas cans so he could drive to Corning and back. I thought he was putting me on, but no, he rented a car and borrowed a couple of 5 gal jerry cans and filled them up and we got to tease the crap out of him when he came back,

  15. Last time I checked, Indiana was a bit north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

    You're a Yankee, now, Tam.


  16. "Yankee" isn't a place, it's a state of mind.

  17. "
    Last time I checked, Indiana was a bit north of the Mason-Dixon Line.

    By a whole 12 miles (Broad Ripple Ave.)...

  18. I'm not gonna steal my roomie's thunder but there is a very simple way to determine if one is in Yankeeland or not.

    ...However, in Indiana, unlike NYC, you can get decent food of more-or-less Southern style. Most anyone here who can do home cookin' came from twelve or more miles to the South.

    Also we're not nearly as abusive as New Yorkers.

  19. Well, speaking as an ex-pat NY'er, you should really cut denizens of NYC a break now and then. The reason they are always so grumpy is because the light at the end of THEIR New Jersey.

    Think about it...

  20. Brett Butler said it best with her punchline, "Oh, Arturo, prince of irony!"

  21. Roberta X:
    NYC doesn't have Decent food?!

    Thanks I needed a good laugh - NYC is probably the Culinary capital of the World. Everything from Classic French, to Nouvoue, to Sushi, to Mongolian BBQ, to American BBQ.. There are almost 17,000 restaurants in Manhattan alone..

  22. Can the fragile egos of the Manhattanites handle the fact that many of us view their sole useful purpose as being nuke-bait?

    As long as AQ maintains their fixation on New Yawk City the rest of the nation can rest easier at night.

  23. htrn: depends on how one defines "decent," donnit? I spake of "home cookin'." Y'all need that essplained, or shall I assume the sophistication and wisdom that leads one to set up shop in The Prime Target extends grokking to the plain and hearty fare of us dull toilers in the outer darkness, where the rats are few an' the honest citizenry well-armed?

  24. "There are almost 17,000 restaurants in Manhattan alone.."

    And not a single Waffle House.

    You poor, benighted souls.

  25. Ok, so I've got my head around NYC being the worlds largest amusement park thing, and the financial market part - thus making SanFrancisco the world's largest socialist petting zoo?
    I think the Code Pink grotesqueries commute across the Bay Bridge to Berkeley to strut their stuff...

  26. Gregg: nah. I know both.

    I suppose the matter turns on one's amusements, but I'm stickin' with my story.

  27. "I lived in CT for 11 yrs and NJ for 5 after that and the one thing that struck me about New Yorkers is how utterly, comically, parochial they are."

    That's the damned truth. I know people like that.

    This New Yorker cover from 1976 was no joke. It still isn't.

    They're not all like that, but more than enough of them to make it real.

  28. I really think that Canadians should count as Yankees. At least the ones from Ontario.

    And I think a serious argument could be made that Texas is Yankee country.


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