Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How very dignified.

So I'm standing in line at the local Pharm-O-Rama waiting to pay for my purchases when I notice the latest issue of Cosmo. There on the cover are bold letters announcing an article inside on the topic of, and I quote, "Your Va-Jay-Jay". The infantilization of America proceeds apace, I see. I couldn't find a current issue of Men's Health to see if it had an accompanying article on "Mister Winky".


  1. Hark! Is that Snark beast in the bushes?

    Place must suit ya!

    Hope the back is better.

  2. The real question is did the over-the-counter drugs help the back?

    I still recommend Makers Mark.

  3. It's horribly gauche, innit? I've even stopped taking Vogue magazine, even though I was only buying it for the pictures, because the very titles of articles make my brain drip out my ears. Um, now why do so many men think women are morons?

  4. Men's Health has a column called "Paging Dr. Shawantz" (sp?) Is that good enugh?

  5. Yet another incident that makes me think that Mike Judge is a prophet.

  6. Cooty-cat, VaJayJay, Hoo-Hoo, and so on... my wife is a doctor and over the years she has told me about two dozen of her patients' silly names for their vaginas.

    But for most men, its a penis when talking to her. Unless it is a really really humongous co.. oh never mind....

  7. It's "Mr. Happy," not Mr. Winky, sheesh.

  8. That's just more preparation for the Mommy-State we'll have to endure after the elections.


  9. Yup, but guys are the ones that won't grow up because they'd rather play video games and drink beer than marry girls like that.

  10. At an in-service class that I attended the last couple of days, the high-energy, rather nice training officer of about 11 years experience in law enforcement would occasionally use time-honored terms of the profession, such as "dumb ass," and "scroat bag," and "fucking up," etc. But, he was conscious of the three or four women in the room (we were all cops), and tried to curb his language, explaining that he was able to do so with his little girl, so he knew tha he could there, too.

    I finally raised my hand and explained that I and others like me were far more offended when he used euphimisms than when he actually cussed. This was right after he had referred to a suspect in a crimininal incident as a "Bobo-Hole."

    I wish I were making this up.

  11. Nicki says it's called a Hoo-ha.

    Now I am confused...

  12. Somebody needs to tell Crystal that a career as an editor is awaiting her.

    Kim D. hit it on the head when he described COSMO as 50% articles on why men are all dogs and 50% articles on how to get one to marry you.


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