Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I wish my name was Gallup...

...because I think it would be interesting to ask the proverbial Man On The Street the following:

"The Two-Party System of Government is outlined in which document: The Constitution or the Declaration of Independence?"

The answers would probably be humorous, once you got past your initial queasiness.


  1. Well, the Constitution... sorta. It's just the way the pieces come together with the way the electoral college is structured. That whole 51%-49% thing.

  2. That's what pollsters call "a leading question".

    And while not strictly the same thing the term "legislative capture" comes to mind.

  3. That's a cruel thing to pose on a Tuesday morning. Now my poor tired brain hurts and I haven't really begun working yet.

    Seriously, sometimes I wish we did have a viable third or even fourth party. That might be the only way Congress could ever practice clean government.

  4. You will never have a viable third party with the way our elections work. A third party will rise and fade, or rise and supplant. The fading type will take more voters from one of the other two that they are most like, tending to split voters and hurt their cause.

    So, do you want change to parlimentary system?

  5. Lol... and exactly HOW would you resist slapping some people silly after they answer?

    "What form of government do we live under?" Is a favorite question of mine to ask... students, politicians, teachers, what have you. Always good for a snicker.

  6. "So, do you want to change to parliamentary system?"

    There are not enough four-letter words to adequately emphasize "NO!!"

    Look at what the parliamentary system has done to screw up the euro-weenies.

    "Oh, but the parliamentary system is so fair--everyone gets to vote for their point of view!!"


    Word verification: qpmyrw. Yeah, that about sums it up.


  7. I tend to agree with Thunderbolt, there will always be two main parties. The majority of the people tend to a one dimensional view of politics; they are at one end of the line or the other. Those not at the extremes occupy the areas between. The idea of getting off the line into another dimension of reasoning doesn't normally occur to them.

  8. "That might be the only way Congress could ever practice clean government."

    Congress, practice clean government?!?

    (Howls of laughter)

    Surely, you MUST be joking.

  9. Duh, I read both documents in the original language before lawyers started telling me what it really meant, and there aren't two parties, there aren't any parties - which was why Martha and Dolly became such important first ladies - no partying allowed in the Capital...

  10. 1) neither
    2) a constitutional republic
    What do I win? (or is the prize not getting smacked in the back of the head for blatant stupidity?)


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