Thursday, February 28, 2008

The scariest thing I've read all week...

When interviewed regarding yesterday's BATFE raid on neighboring CavArms, Arizona small business owner Brandon Hepworth said:
"They had to done something. I mean there's got to be something going on. Otherwise they probably wouldn't be seizing the guns. It's just crazy."
After all, if they weren't guilty, they wouldn't be suspects, right? And the lord knows that the BATFE has never botched an investigation.

Do it to Julia, baby; do it to Julia...


  1. Was that a 1984 reference at the end of your post?... Nice.

  2. I remember this was one of the first things my 9th grade citizenship teacher told the class... when you read a headline that says "man arrested on suspicion of [whatever crime]", the first thing most folks say is "well, they got him". It goes against the "innocent until proven guilty" most of us have heard. The teacher's point was it's more like "guilty until proven innocent" which is consistant with most of what we hear these days.

    The video footage... the agent was saying "violations of federal firearms laws". But somebody was saying they heard "money laundering and fraud". Now, I wonder which is the actually allegation. I also noticed I'm not the only one thinking it's probably a disgruntled former employee.

    Oh, and that "Jihad Strikes" video... I always thought it was funny. Ya'll ever notice the "Leave it to Beaver" theme in the background? But now the news media's getting their bias on about anti-islamic bigotry.

  3. And people wonder why most small businesses fail...

  4. THe ATF representatives were verey careful to qualify everything they said with "allege" etc...

    When they actually have something, they've usually been far more confident in their language.

    THey also said "well, of course there were a large number of guns. You would expect that, this is a business that sells guns"

    Again, normally if they have something they start spouting off about "illegal arsenals" etc...

    If this is anything more than a punitive raid or a fishing expedition, I'd be amazed.

    And yes, the placid sheep there scares me. This is Arizona, where you'd think people were used to freedom a bit more than that.

  5. "They had to done something..."

    Sorry, but that's a like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

    Makes me want to slap the ignorant wretch just for butchering the language.

  6. Is it BATFE budget hearings time already??

  7. I'm sorry I missed the quote from that guy... all I could hear was "Baaaa baaaa baaaaa"!

  8. But, on the off chance that they (the raided) are doing something illegal, what then?

    Would that warrant the search?

    I would think that the internet firearms "experts" and speculators would refrain from rampant finger pointing and foul crying until the evidence is in.

    But if they are guilty it isn't going to matter because we are only in it for ourselves.

  9. dewey,

    Good job missing the point of my post, which was regarding the neighbor's "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" response.

  10. rickn8tor: Yea, it's getting close to budget justification time again.

    The initial Waco raid was done on about the same day.

    One of these days the BATFE thugs are going to stage a feb/march budgetyear raid on someone who actually shoots competitively, and has no intention of surrendering.

    They will wish to ghod they had chosen half-competent jesus freaks or Idaho Nazis instead of competent shootists.

  11. I adore all the vitriol on both sides of the fence. None of you realize there shouldn't even BE a fence. The BATFE came into existence to enforce federal firearms laws. What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED isn't understood?

    And no Kristopher, the thugs aint a gonna try and bust an IPSC competition. If they come after an individual shooter, they'll make sure he's nowhere near a gun. Even Robbie Leatham doesn't wear a gun 24/7...


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