Friday, February 08, 2008

Sometimes you just want to listen to the music.

"When The Levee Breaks" off Led Zeppelin's eponymous album, with the volume turned to '11'.

Mutant blues destruction. Maybe the best thing they ever recorded. Can't get enough of it...


  1. Oh that hits the spot! Try "I can't quit you" next time your in the Zeppelin groove.

  2. I'm partial to "Since I've been Loving You" off of III but the best recording Zep released was the Song Remains The Same version of "No Quarter"

    Try that at 11!

  3. It's all good.

    I have every single tune they ever recorded.

    Best with headphones to get the full effect of their mastery of stereo, like the dueling guitar at the end of "What Is and What Should Never Be."


  4. Somewhere at University of Texas, Austin, TX, late August, 1990: "Mr. Matt G, why don't you stand up and tell the others here where you're from, what your favorite song is, and what your major is."

    [Hesitantly] "I'm Matt G, from Bonny Brook, Texas, I'm Undecided, and my favorite song right now is Led Zepplin's 'Kashmere.'"

    Yawns. "Good song" came the mention from the girl in the back. Her lack of eye contact told me that she wasn't in the least impressed with me as a person-- just that she liked Zepplin. I had no "go" light.

    I sat back down and studied my fingernails like mad.

    When a little moody, it's hard to beat closing one's eyes and letting "The Battle Of Evermore" wash over one through good noise-canceling headphones.

  5. I wish I could've gone to that reunion concert they had a couple months ago...

  6. Old Zep-head here from way back...

    You want fun?

    Listen to the Black Crowes with Jimmy Page Live album.

    They honestly do live Zepplin better than Zepplin does, and Jimmy sounds genuinely energized at this gig; no phone-it-in stuff you often hear when bands have been playing the same stuff for years.

  7. "Maybe the best thing they ever recorded."

    Ab-so-freakin'-lutely. Made the argument several times whilst amongst friends, myself. They always counter with the predictable 'Stairway to Heaven'.

    Also really dig 'No Quarter', especially if it's one of those gray, misty, and 35 degrees days. Gives me that warm and fuzzy "saddle up the boat and lets go pillage us some Celtic women" feeling.

  8. "Black Dog," and my stereo goes to 12.

    The lyrics are way not PC-speak. Thought about it first time the words parsed, decided oh-effing-well and turned it up louder.

  9. That's probably the only Zep song I've never gotten sick of hearing.

  10. Between Zeppelin with headphones, and Knob Creek without headphones, I can't hear shit anymore. ;-)

  11. XM has a zep only channel. I run it 12 hours a day straight at the office. It is hard to get tired of the classics.

  12. Bonham is a natural force in "When The Levee Breaks". What he doesn't play is at least as important as what he does play.

    That song is one of the all-time greats.


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