Wednesday, March 05, 2008


It appears to have precipitated an inch-and-a-half thick layer of clear ice BB's all over everything today, cleverly concealed under a light dusting of powder. I'm going to need an ice scraper or something to clear the front walk. Maybe this is a good reason to buy a flamethrower.


  1. So, here's how the flame thrower was invented. We were sitting around one evening and I mused, " Gee, I'd like to set those people over there on fire, but how can I do it from here?" Luckily, my German friend who's good with tools was sitting there with me. Next thing I knew, he was off to his garage workshop. For the rest of the evening there was lots of banging and clattering and muttered curses from inside the workshop. By the next morning, voila.

  2. You need a reason to buy a flamethrower?

    Is that like a new gun?

  3. Like one really needs a reason to want a flamethrower...

  4. Salt seems a bit more practical, if not nearly as much fun.


  5. Gotta be careful. The heat can crack your concrete.

    Not that I have any experience with this or anything.


  6. They sell burner torches in Home depot - they're used for melting ice, burning out stumps, and melting tar for roofing jobs.

    Like Mark said, be careful, too much heat can crack concrete, so just play the flame over the ice till it melts, no more than that.

    I don't like using salt, it eats the concrete. Much better to use Calcium Cloride.

  7. If you use Calcium chloride or such....

    When they forcast ice like you just got dumped with, toss the stuff down on the ground BEFORE the ice hits. Comes off pretty easy after that.

  8. Heh. Kinda changes the view from the porch a bit, eh? :-)

  9. You mean like one of these?

    Or maybe this?

    Yeah, the 5lb bags of ice melter at Wal-Mart are probably a better bet. You can keep one of those in your car trunk in case you get stuck.

  10. I'm giggling maniacally picturing the horrified looks on your new neighbor's faces.

  11. When I was a kid and before the Smug Cloud of Manic-Liberalism descended on this region a guy at a nearby Garage Sale had a Army Surplus one of those for sale - and while I implored my Mom, she wouldn't buy it for me. Damn!! Also missed out on a short youth Mauser with Waffenamts on it. Double-damn! Back-then this used to be a pretty cool area, back before the Hippies and the Smug.

  12. I knew there'd be Yankee-land consequences, but that was a mighty short honeymoon.

  13. It's fiftyish in the Trashville area today. And it was really nice Sunday, soI went for a motorcycle ride. Monday, too.

  14. If you're gonna strap on a flamethrower, just make sure there are no Japanese snipers about, or you will go up like a Roman candle!

  15. should have not left tn

  16. Welcome to Indy. Don't worry, it will warm up just when you get used to the cold. My department manager kicked all of us out at 4 yesterday, and I was glad he did.

    Say, the Evil Loophole Gun Show is coming up - you going?

  17. Flamethrowers are multi-use items!!! Toast marshmallows, melt ice, clear brush, clear urban decay, light fireplaces....a thousand uses!!!

  18. "Say, the Evil Loophole Gun Show is coming up - you going?"

    Does the Pope crap in the woods?


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