Sunday, March 16, 2008

Goin' to the fun show!

It's gun show day, hooray! If anyone else is going to be there, I'll be the tall blond chick in the black CCA baseball cap.


  1. Good luck and I hope you find something unique to write about.

    I rarely walk out of a big gun show without finding something that was really interesting.

  2. I went yesterday with my son. It was much the same experience as I had a few years ago; crowded, hot, and with a lot of overpriced merchandise. If I had more patience and tolerance I might have found something interesting and haggled with the dealer.

  3. In the interests of scholarly research, can you help me find an actual, real-world example of the long-fabled "loophole"?

  4. I'll be there - wait, no, I'm going to the Cashman Center show in Vegas.


  5. I get to go to the local Rendezvous. In LA county cap and ball doesn't come under the local draconian gun control laws.

    Rendezvous is targeted at 1750 to 1850 technology. Walker Colts are still pretty efficient tools, until it gets to be time to reload. I hope to someday bring back a replica Hall pattern breechloader, in the percussion cap variation. The breech block could be removed, and carried in a pocket as a crude but efficient pistol.

  6. I'm jealous, Its funshow weekend in Vegas as well but ours sucks. There is no comparison to the Indy1500.
    At least I found some decent prices on 147gr 9mm to feed my new can.

    Have fun!

  7. I hope the Indy 1500 is still as good of a show as it was when I lived out there.

    Let me tell you, the gun shows here in Colorado pale in comparison.

  8. Also, if you want a real laugh, stop in at Don's Guns to peruse the horrendously over-priced merchandise in what will no doubt amount to a dingy, poorly lit, terribly ventilated store populated with mouth-breathing dim wits.

    Incidentally, Don is the schmuck that the local news will run to every time they do some big story on gun control. He'll torch bunch of Mosins and SKS's and wring his hands about the evils of assault weapons or some such.

    I truly look forward to you loosening your inner snark all over Don.

  9. I went on Friday, I'll be interested to see what you think as I've become very disenchanted with the 1500 and wonder if I'm expecting too much.

  10. Sorry to have missed you as I was gray haired fat guy in a black sport coat.

    As for my review of the show, it appears to me the general pop. of our part of the world is preparing for the democrats, come fall, by stocking up on all the items they will prohibit;i.e. prices are rising on quality goods and have been for the last four to six months. Dealers at the show I know happily agree...

    "Nothing like a Democratic politician to make the gun business better..." was heard more than once.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  11. I missed the show because I am infected with some sort of plague.


    Hope your first 1500 was a good one!

  12. When I saw your post, I was seriously considering making the trek from here to there, but then I realized you probably didn't mean that you'd be the tall blond chick in "only" a black CCA baseball cap...(:o)...Al Terego

  13. Justin, the Crossroads show last week and Tanner this week [at least yesterday, when I worked the CSSA booth]were pretty full. Yes, prices are going through the roof, but there were some good goods for sale. I'll have to try for an Indy show later this year, when I'm in Ohio.
    Tam, BATF had a booth at the Tanner show [outside Denver]. Didn't stop by, as I try not to be rude. OldeForce

  14. After my experience at the Vegas show, it really doesn't compare to the Indy 1500. The 1500 is huge, I mean just huge, I would estimate the Crossroads gun show at the Cashman Center was about 1/3 the size of the 1500.

  15. Another boomstick found it's way home for me. We didn't get there until after 1 on Sunday. I do agree that most of the politically incorrect stuff went fast - I saw very few AK clones; no AR-15 lowers, though the guys who usually have the bunches of uppers still had a fair amount left; and the ammo dealers were about cleaned out. Come on tax check!

  16. missed ya! I was there on saturday. mercop managed to suck me into a 45 minute conversation, making me late to a date at the Indian place next to the geek store previously mentioned. Did you know they appear to have every Osprey book ever?


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