Thursday, March 13, 2008

help me i am in hell

I found myself reading a Bed, Bath & Beyond sale paper while eating leftover spaghetti for lunch, and actually looking forward to the vanilla-flavor Yoplait Yo Plus digestive health formula I was going to have for dessert before I emptied the dishwasher and went downstairs to fold laundry.


Time out for a 30 minute break on the front porch with a beer, a cigarette, and some Florence King to read...


  1. You've gone to the ..... pastel side.


    Reminds me, I have laundry to fold, and a rifle to clean.

  2. Just be sure to match the pearls, heels and apron with your holster.

  3. Come, come join the dark side Tam.

    Put on the pink apron, and embrace the joy of ironing. Before long, it will be baking of cookies, and an obsession with vaccuuming..

    Noone escapes the Stepford wives!

    Bwahahahahaha! :)

  4. Da-yum. Do she cook?

  5. If you find yourself singing bouncy tunes while wearing an apron then you know it's over. Now if you'll excuse me I have dishes to wash.


  6. Where is the blogger that linked me up to that wonderful Texas Colt site? Are the cigarette, beer and book just a virtual reference to days of yore? Bring back the S&W and Colts, lovely engraved Colts in tooled leather holsters.

  7. whiskers on roses
    and snowflakes on kittens...

  8. HA! $10 sez you'll be watching "Wheel of Fortune" tonight!

  9. Ref Breda's comment on the MTV post, I think you need to go buy some ammo.

    I do too--I'm low.

  10. Dog-gone it, every time I take in a stray...!

    Um, no.

    It's this house. It makes me all domestic, too, and I'm here about 40 hours a week less than Tam.

    It's creeping spinsterism, is what it is. We'll be putting antimacassars on all the living room furniture and taking tea of an afternoon, just you wait. Oh, Ghu.

  11. What's wrong with leftover spaghetti? It's better the second time 'round, and everyone knows it.

    As for B,B,&B, I was just glancing at their latest flyer a little guitily, as I watched my girls bicycle on the street. I figured that they gave me the excuse, though-- just a family man. With a gun or two in his pockets. Checking out the price on stainless steel shower caddies.

    (Oh Gawd...!)

  12. Is that sort of like the feeling where you straighten pictures in other people's house and then realize that you have turned into your mother?

  13. If you're that bored, my company is hiring.

    Good pay, good benefits, but you'd be stuck working in a cube from 8am to 5pm.

  14. And I went to a concert at House of Blues, stayed until the house lights came up, chatted out front for a bit and got home before 11PM. That ain't right, but I needed a nap anyhoo.

    Getting old sucks, but it beats the life out of the alternative.

  15. With the arrival of the museum over at Roberta X's, you've clearly contributed to the common defense, so how come you didn't expect this "domestic tranquility" thingy to make an appearance next?

  16. Dr. Mark prescribes Metallica played at earthquake volume, followed by watching Hot Huzz to drive home the warnings of bucolic living.

  17. Get out of the house... go shooting, ride the motorcycle, go to the library, or volunteer one day a week.

    Teach pistol safety classes once a month. Anything.

  18. And I do realize it is colder than in Knoxville, but then that is what happens when you move north in winter. But then it isn't that cold as Midwestern standards go.

  19. I just tossed $24 in the tipjar, which is exactly the price of a year's subscription to Martha Stewart Magazine. Enjoy.

    Really, it's pretty good.

  20. Hey, don't bash BB&B! They sell cheap rifle racks! :)

  21. Tam,
    Please check this out before you become all domestic

    They need your expertise.


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