Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's not easy being green.

Chicago's much ballyhooed attempt at forcing unlicensed pharmaceutical distributors to dispense their wares in biodegradable paper containers rather than the industry standard plastic bags met a snag when two alderpersons raised objections, saying that the ban would criminalize harmless, legal behavior. Alderperson Freddrenna Lyle stated:
"[W]e've got enough laws we can't enforce. We don't want to make any more or criminalize legal conduct."
Right. Like that's ever stopped the Chicago government before. I wonder if her head spun around and she vomited green pea soup while she was possessed by the ghost of some long-dead Founding Father. Shiva knows she doesn't normally have any particular aversion to making laws.


  1. It's ironic that people like that AlderCritter have no problem with micro-baggies that are associated with narcotics, but they would gladly ban the ownership, possession or transfer of holsters that are associated with guns.

  2. Just call me Kermit

  3. But turk! It's for the CHILLLLLDREN! (Not the guns, the weed........) That stuff makes them incompetent dependents of the state. GUNS allow to be them independent individuals, LESS dependent on the State.........

  4. Why don't they just ban drugs?

    ......Oh, yeah, um, carry on, nothing to see here......


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