Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My eternal thanks to the reader who sent me the link to this:


  1. I'll nitpick a bit here--just so you know to use the proper tool for the job.

    When digging a hole in the ground it helps to use a shovel made for that purpose rather than a scoop shovel intended for moving grain, sawdust, or other materials on a flat smooth surface.

  2. premeditated, premedicated, prededicated...self defense...? jtc

  3. It's hardly an instructional video.

    OTOH, folks shouldn't hit other folks. It might make them mad.

  4. There are approximately 30 million cervids living in the USA. About a third of them shed antlers every year. The reason we are not waist deep in shed antlers is that small animals (mice, predominantly) eat bones for the calcium.

    A body buried can be dug later. A body lain on top of the ground, will eventually completely disapear without a trace. There's a guy in Indianapolis who does forensic tests on dead animals, who talks about this on his website, I forget the URL.

  5. I noted the scoop shovel too. She doesn't even drag it like she's experienced dragging shovels.

    But other than that, good song, good video. I knew there was a reason I liked Miranda Lambert.

    Oh, scoop shovels work as snow sleds on a good hill, too.

  6. Kewlness. I love the song, hadn't seen the video yet.

  7. Nice companion piece to LawDogs post from yesterday.
    My reacn at the end was "Here, Fido, hungry?"

  8. Nice video/song. I've always thought that the real value of the 2nd is to equalize everyone. As a large, strong man, I can't just bully smaller, weaker folks around.

    I too noted the shovel, but couldn't care less as it is a MUSIC VIDEO. I did LOL at the dog sniffing her butt though. Maybe men are more like dogs than I thought cause that idea occurred to me too ;)

  9. yeah, i know, tam; i (thought) i was being sardonic...no doubt the bastard had it coming if he could inspire all that pre- stuff...

    but i'm sayin'...if you gotta off an abusive p.o.s., do it so's you get congrats, not cuffs...then you ain't gotta worry about having the right f'n shovel handy...jtc

  10. I liked the dog. (Wo)man's best friend: always just wants to be involved in what you're doing...

    Nice tune, too.

  11. I hate country music, but
    that song KICKS ASS!

    P.S. Ditto on the shovel; I shoveled coal with one.

  12. turk: nearly all "country music" (certainly out of Nashville) today is frustrated rock, with a formal nod to blues roots, made by people who are not interested in L.A. for all kinds of reasons. Listen to it.

    Personally, I think both Nashville and Los Angeles are total losses now.

    I like the spirit of the song, though.

  13. How's she going to conceal a pistol in those pants?

    She has pretty belly button. I'm just saying.

  14. Billy Beck nailed it. I do like Miranda Lambert, though; even if the title track to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend might qualify as "frustrated rock," she can belt out traditional country with the best of 'em, as evidenced by "Dry Town" and "Love Letters."

  15. At first I thought it was a video of Tam!
    Between this video, and LawDog's post
    post re: "She was doing everything she was supposed to..."
    I posted some musings on Sam Colt's advertising slogan "Be not afraid..." over at my own shiny new blog.

  16. Well, if Toby Keith singing about putting a boot in someone's ass had the Perpetually Outraged in a dither, this certainly ought to have them in pants-sh!tting hysterics.

    Personally, I tend to favor whatever wads their panties.

  17. Well it's like a year old and I haven't heard from the usual suspects yet.

    And, yes, don't fuss with the stiff.

    Leaving them on the ground is dangerous, too- sometimes strangers' dogs bring things home...

  18. My kind of girl. Treat her right, and you always know where you stand...and when to duck.

  19. We all know that since violence never solves anything. When he gets out of that grave he'll be looking her up for sure.

    If she's going through all the trouble of a potter-field burial, she should have shot him outside and saved herself some cleaning.

    Living out in the country like she does, a burn barrel might be a better option. That's what they're for: burning trash.

  20. og--

    And if you (she) were still in Knox-Vegas, you could claim that you were a sub-contractor working for "The Body Farm".

    "Hang on, I know that paperwork's around here somewhere!"

  21. Tam

    I thought you just might like it.


  22. Without doing any research at all.. is that a real "country music" singer? Cause they didn't make any like that back when I was forming my musical tastes. THAT mighta had a definite influence. ;)


  23. She actually is. And 'taint her only shootin' song neither- in "Famous in a Small Town", she talks about getting the first buck of the season. And in "Crazy Ex Girl Friend", she mentions having her pistol in the car.

    She has a pretty good range of musical styles, too. Worth a listen.

  24. Well, the fact that she picked the wrong shovel proves she's really a nice girl who doesn't make a habit of killing guys who shake her like a ragdoll. Also, if she were expurenced, she wouldn't have ruint those cute strappy sandals by digging a hole whilst wearing them.

    This one gets the phlegmmy housekeeping seal of approval.

  25. She has pretty belly button. I'm just saying.

    As a logical person interested in raising fact above superstition I must agree.

    Red hair and heels should also be mentioned as facts. ;)

  26. Really cute girl. Too bad about the cigarettes.

  27. I am not normally a fan of country music but that is a good song.

    BTW, the best way to dispose of a body is to take it to a pig farm.

    Google, Willy Picton.

    Oh, don't forget to spray chlorine bleach anyplace that might be hiding DNA evidence.

  28. I just had that song stuck in my head...Now the video's there too. Thanks.

  29. To all persons who "aren't fans of country music" but "like this song anyways," there is a simple reason why this is so. This ain't country music. I'm not sayin' it's bad(though I do hate the song in question), it's just that there ain't no electric git'ars in country music. Much like "if A then B," this is such a basic part of the fabric of reality that any attempt to prove or justify this would be circular logic.

    Country music MUST contain a banjo, fiddle, or acoustic git'ar(slide preferred). Lyrics should focus on alcohol, cheatin', trains, feudin' between men and women, general country livin', and so on. Outlaw country lyrics are the absolute limit. To sum up, country music is basically the white blues, less the pentatonic blues scale.

    I didn't make the rules... well, actually I did. Still, ain't not 'lectric git'ar in country music.

  30. Feanaro said...

    ...it's just that there ain't no electric git'ars in country music.

    to which I say, "horse..." Junior Brown and Waylon Jennings beg to differ.

  31. For 99 cents I downloaded this song from (where else?) Amazon.com and it now resides on my Blackberry, the only country song (comments to the contrary notwithstanding) there.

  32. Waylon Jennings was allowed to claim one electric guitar as an acoustic after promising never to play anything from the "Country Folk" album ever again.

    Junior Brown didn't start releasing albums until after I was born, so he's obviously disqualified.


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