Thursday, March 20, 2008

Middle of the day on a weekday?

Must be another Unemployed Hippies Against The War march.


  1. What is it with the lack of bathing anyway? Even in my most liberal, early 90's granola phase, I still showered every day.

  2. The Snark is on today!

    Go get 'em!

  3. You know, I was reading this morning at Wired how the Code Pinkos are using the micro-blogging program, Twitter, and pirate radio stations to direct the demonstrators away from hazards like police and ensure they have a good crowd for the cameras. Article is here;
    Not that I'm advocating anyone break a law but this seems like an awesome opportunity to have some fun.

  4. has extensive coverage of various freaks of this type.

    Here I am, Tam. Drop me an email, please? daggers at iquest dot net.


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