Saturday, March 08, 2008

Rollin', rollin', rollin'...

...keep them kitties rollin'!

Today we opened the door between the front and back halves of the house to bring the two cat herds together. Random Numbers is wandering around the new territory, yowling at nothing in particular. Tommy the geriatricat is feverishly loading his squirt gun at the watering hole, obviously preparatory to writing his name on something. Their staff is nervously standing by with towels to variously throw over combatants or mop up cat graffiti. Blogging may be light.

UPDATE: Random Numbers is still a seething, yowling mass of anger. She offered her editorial comment on the overall situation by invading the other cats' litter box. You don't want to know what eight pounds of psychotic fury compressed into an extruded pellet the size of your little finger smells like, trust me.


  1. It's a thought. Might be a bit off-putting what with all the grooming.

    The Bundle Of Psychotic Fury And Loathing is presently curled up in my lap, purring. Like calls out to like? Harrumpf! Of course, she howls and slaps if I don't pet her properly, according to some arcane and inconstant set of rule.

  2. You might want to try a product called "Feliway" - the ingredients mimic feline-friendly pheromones which trick them into a sense of well-being. I've hear it chills them right out.

    It's on sale now on luck!

  3. "Editorial comment". Heh. That made my day. And it's been a pretty good day.

  4. tamara, i'm not much of a cat guy, but since my wifey's dog is more of a cat (aloof, contrary japanese chin) my dog is our big old persian mix cat.

    we rescued him from the humane society 15 yrs. ago...he's the most gentle, intelligent pet, feline or canine, we've ever had...he knew the sound of my truck when i came home from work and was always the first to greet me, he speaks quietly and looks me in the eye when i walk by, but never was one to rub all over or demand attention unless it was offered.

    at his age now, he mostly rests in the sun in the flowerbed or on the patio, his days of following wifey on her walks with her "dog" to protect them from the neighborhood bully cats, and proudly depositing the catch of the day (baby rabbit, mouse, mole, the occasional mockingbird) on the doorstep are about over, what with arthritis and all...and i'm really gonna miss ol' babykitty when he's gone.

    thank you, tam, for being the first to visit my neoblog, you are welcome anytime...i added you to the short list of blogs i like; hope you don't mind...and if you should decide to add me to your list, that would be welcome as well. i added roberta x, too, and i'll be tuning in to the continuing adventures of the indy girls.

    regards, jtc

  5. For a kittycam, I recommend an Oregon Scientific ATC2K:

    Cheap, rugged, and uses a flashcard. Paintballers have been using them the last coupla years to record game footage by attaching them to their masks.

    And the idea of actually herding cats makes me giggle. There's a reason why it's used as a metaphor for a difficult task.

  6. Cat herding is an old American tradition.

  7. I tolja, Tam; Put the lake and the old porch back and she'll be happy.

    Word verification: "adtpt"

  8. A squirt bottle filled with water works wonders on cats doing things you don't want them to do.

  9. Good luck with all of that SEP. ;)

  10. Mum, dad, don't touch that, it's concentrated evil.

  11. Poor psychotic little ball of fluff and rage :(

    Maybe she'al feel better once she's killed something to death a lot. Preferably having tortured it for a good half-hour.

  12. At least there have been no declared injuries so far.

    So far.

  13. Ye gonna leave the herds combined when there aren't no grown-ups in the house? Might cause a stampede.

  14. So, my question is, how does one keep cats from "helping" when one blogs?
    Our Maine Coon, of beloved memory, used to just like to sprawl in my lap when I was in front of the computer, but the young gray who moved in after we had to have her put to sleep likes to sprawl on the keyboard.

  15. Catblogging is boring.

    Sadistic Cat-from-Hell blogging is fun. Especially if you can post .gifs of injuries on the losing human combatants.


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