Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sometimes getting the words out is such a pain in the butt...

Sometimes you just sit down at the computer and feel the snark surge from your fingertips to the keyboard like the electrical arc in a mad scientist's laboratory.

Other times you can't get the words out of your head with a shop vac.

Today my muse is apparently on vacation in the Bahamas, getting a nice tan and reading some cheesy Gresham on the beach, while I'm stuck here in the middle of a vast, frozen billiard table with my tongue tied in knots...



  1. Such is the Writer's Lot AND Curse.

    Happens everyday to those who make their living putting words down in a media of some kind. Sometimes it gets so bad, it's hard to make even the 'clustering' technique work.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  2. I blame the ant gloves. You have got to stop sendin' in boxtops.

  3. My muse went on vacation, and I don't know when she'll be back.

  4. Sometimes you just sit down at the computer and feel the snark surge from your fingertips to the keyboard like the electrical arc in a mad scientist's laboratory.

    Unfortunately that seems to be a talent I lack. (My snark gland is apparently atrophied.) I bow in your general direction, O Queen of Snark.

    But I make up for it with logorrhea!

  5. tamara, sounds like a good day to pick up material for when the brain-to-fingers connection is's my suggestion:

    go out today and act on your nascent urge to pursue employment in a good gun shop or sharp pawnshop with a good gun side...

    your concern (and mine) that the gun retail business has a troubled long-term future, while definitely true, affects primarily the ffl holder; he/she is the one with the worries of liability and atf "oversight".

    but in the short term, just like in the nineties when looming legislation and the big "what if" factor created a years-long bubble of increased demand, not to mention windfall profits ($100 banlist guns became $300, $20 magazines became $100, etc.) that scenario is about to play out again (already is somewhat; reference gunshow and online prices). and while xavier called this phenomenon greed on the part of ffl's, it's really just the old law of supply and demand, and/or the perception thereof...and that means they'll have money to spend on you!

    so while the gun business ain't what you'd call a long-term growth vehicle, and i sure as hell would not put myself in the line of figurative fire by obtaining an ffl in my own name again, existing gun sellers need the expertise of quality employees to handle the business they are sure to realize over the next few years, and i can't imagine a finer addition than you, but i can imagine the promotional value you would ummm...embody.

    tell you this..if i were still in the business and you'da rolled south into fl insteada nawth to in, i'd be begging you to work my counter; a different promo clinic every week for $200 a day...

    go for it, girl...i think your rep will precede you at the better gun shops in town, and the material you will glean for your posts will give that ol' muse cause for concern for her own future employment.

    regards, jtc

  6. Tamara-

    A fine target for some snark:

    Now I am not 100% sure this is for real and not a publicity stunt or similar, but it looks real to me.

  7. Best cure for writer's block: Try to deliberately write the dumbest and most gawdawful crap you can.

    Deliberately break every rule of good taste, and try to create something that will make the reader want his five minutes back, and look for a chemical brain scrub.

    "Writer's Block" is your subconscious blocking you cause writing is now boring. Write anyway. If fear of writing crap is the current excuse, then deliberately write crap.

  8. Sounds like somebody's got the late winter blahs. You need to go do something fun. Go be around "people". If that doesn't fill you with rage, and give you plenty to rant about, I don't know what will. :)

  9. At least your muse is behaving with some decorum. Mine's down at the local saloon, passing out dirty limericks and ribald couplets for shots of Jagermeister.

    Slut. (Her, not you.)

    Hang in. Winter in these parts is almost over. Then, spring. Musey will be back all lovey and wantin' to get it on. You watch.



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