Saturday, March 29, 2008

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!


The Democrat next door forgot to turn the light on her garage off, although the rest of her house is darker than three feet up a well-digger's butt at midnight. Save the TV, of course.

We, on the other hand, are lit up like the alarm board at Chernobyl.


  1. SuWheet! Remind me I owe you a beer. or three.

  2. Dangit! I was late.

    I did manage to time a load of laundry so it would be in the dryer at 8:00, though.

    Saturday nights at Casa de Rusty is always an adventure!

  3. "This is my spotlight. There are many like it but this one is mine."

  4. I didn't participate in any such puerile displays of nose-thumbing.

    I roasted a pig next to a rather large fire, instead. Didn't recycle the beer cans/bottles, either. The cans will be shot, and re-shot.

    Amateurs.....pffffft. :)

  5. I celebrated by shooting a 10 stage IDPA match. (Evil guns)

    The range is an hour away so I emitted a few extra pounds of CO2 while transporting me alone in my F150 there and back. (Evil Big Truck)

    Then I turned on every light in the house, cranked the AC down and watched the first two installments of HBO's John Adams series. (Evil Freedom)

    Word verification "tgunad". Made ME look twice too.

  6. I did my taxes on my computer, I had all that responsibility to account for, no time for eco-hippieness...

  7. I got distracted, and didn't notice the clock till after 9. :(

    I was planning on dragging out all the Halogen work lights, as well as the last high pressure sodium floodlight and light up the night sky.

    Now if you people want an interesting holiday to celibrate - Yuri's Night, April 12th. Dedicated to the first human being to escape the gravity well(Yuri Gagarin)

  8. We made sure all our lights were on, including front and back porches. We even turned on the pool light (which we hardly ever use). And decided that was the exact hour we needed to run the pool filter!

    The evening news made a big deal about "Earth Hour". Made me want to puke. They gushed about how the local power utilities would report on the power dip.

    Anyone want to bet the whole thing will be whitewashed in the coming weeks?

  9. I was finishing up the laundry at that hour, so the dryer was running; also, I made sure every single CFL on the property was lit.

  10. My wife complained about it when I said we would "light up" to show our support for the oil industry.

    She forgot about it, I did not. We glowed and I tried to make sure I made up for everyone else who forgot to light up!

  11. I, like a whole bunch of people ,ignored this completely and went on with my life.

  12. Running lights when they aren't needed is wasteful, expensive, feeds the Jihad, and locally rewards FDR for his socialist experiment, TVA.

    But just this once, I threw caution to the winds.

  13. in honor, for one hour I powered my entire house with a gas generator that I modified to run on baby seal fur.


  14. I played Darkness on my Xbox360.

    Funny, when I was "supposed" to turn my lights out, I was playing a game where, to ensure your health and survival, you shoot out all the lights...

    Word Ver: dgddoq. I find that funny for some unexplainable reason.

  15. I made sure every light was on.
    I made sure candles were burning too.
    I dragged spot-lighte into the yard and turned them on.
    I sat in the SUV and gunned the engine for a bit.
    I even plugged some stored Xmas lights in up in the attic.
    I ran both TVs and the stereos.

    Happy Earth Hour

  16. Well, I was at work and I would've saved the Earth, except I didn't think the patients would appreciate being in the dark, and someone might die or something.


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